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词汇 露西
例句 Lucy set off at a leisurely pace back to the hotel.露西迈着悠闲的步子出发回宾馆。Lucy was so shocked by these affronts that she remained speechless for the rest of the evening.露西对这些侮辱感到十分震惊,整个晚上余下的时间什么话也没说。He was gratified by Lucy's response.他对露西的回答很满意。Lucy loves chocolate.露西爱吃巧克力。Lucy sat down on the bottom stair.露西坐在最下面一级阶梯上。A broad smile spread over Lucy's face.露西的脸上展露出一个大大的笑容。Lucy's aunt died a few months ago.露西的姑妈几个月前去世了。Lucy goes to a mixed school.露西上一所男女混合学校。Lucilla often asks her sisters to retell the story.露西拉经常要姐姐们把这个故事反复讲给她听。Lucy discovered to her dismay that she was pregnant.露西惊恐地发现自己怀孕了。Lucy was staying with her aunt in the nearby town of Hamilton.露西跟她姑妈一起住在附近的哈密尔顿镇上。I just managed to grab hold of Lucy before she fell in the pool.我刚好在露西要掉进水池时抓住了她。That was the summer I worked at the fairground, and met and fell for Lucy.就是那个夏天,我在露天游乐场工作,遇到了露西并爱上了她。Lucy was a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right.露西是个追求完美的人,凡事都得完全符合要求。I've been known to have a few beers, but Lucy can drink me under the table.现在我喜欢喝点儿啤酒,但是露西比我能喝得多。Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn't see it happen.露西闭上了眼睛,这样就不会看到它发生了。Lucy felt distinctly uncomfortable.露西感到非常不舒服。Lucy soothed the baby by rocking it in her arms.露西把宝宝抱在怀里摇晃着,让他安静下来。Lucy pinned back her hair and began to put on her makeup.露西用发夹把头发别在后面,然后开始化妆。Lucy glanced nervously over her shoulder to see who was behind her.露西紧张地回过头去看是谁跟在她后面。Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications.露西希望学医,但是需要通过更多的资格考试。Lucy detailed all the symptoms.露西列举了所有的症状。Lucy is quite clever and does well at school.露西很聪明,学习成绩很好。Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。Lucy's face brightened a little – she even managed to smile.露西的脸上泛出一丝喜色,她甚至还笑了笑。Lucy's enthusiasm soon infected the rest of the class.露西的热情很快就感染了班里的其他人。Lucy was unable to find out what had happened.露西无法知道发生了什么事。Lucy was a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right, rehearsed down to a T.露西什么都追求十全十美,样样都不能出一点问题,要准备得滴水不漏。Lucy pushed the idea firmly to the back of her mind.露西坚决地把这个主意置之脑后。Catching a fleeting expression on Lucy's face, she persisted with her question.看到露西脸上一闪而过的表情,她继续追问。Lucy rolled her eyes as Tom sat down beside her.汤姆在露西身旁坐下,她翻了个白眼。When Lucy became frigid Craig felt unloved.露西开始讨厌做爱时,克雷格感到她不爱自己了。When I told Lucy I loved her book, she thought I was being ironic.当我告诉露西我喜欢她的书时,她以为我在讥讽她。Lucy was staying in the nearby town of Hamilton.露西当时住在附近的汉密尔顿镇。Lucy felt the warm sun on her bare arms.露西感觉得到温暖的阳光照在她裸露的双臂上。There was nothing Lucy liked more than the feel of fur against her skin.露西最喜欢动物的软毛贴着皮肤的感觉。Lucy seems to have changed her mind about Terry. She used to think he was awful.露西似乎改变了对特里的看法,她原来觉得他很讨厌。Lucy had a bandage round her knee.露西的膝盖上裹着绷带。Did you consider other alternatives before you moved in with Lucy?搬去和露西同住之前,你还考虑过其他办法吗?She remembered Lucy as beautiful, charming and absolutely delightful.她记得的露西漂亮、迷人,而且非常讨人喜欢。




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