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词汇 yes
例句 Shall I take that as a yes?我能把那看成是同意吗?Now, where were we? Oh yes, we were talking about John.我们说到哪里了? 噢,对了,我们正在说约翰。Well, yes. I should think so.唉,是的。我看就是这样。I asked her to the dance and she said yes.我请她跳舞,她同意了。I asked her if I could come too, and she said yes.我问她我是否也可以来,她说可以。Oh yes, very funny-have your laugh at my expense!噢,是的,非常好笑 - 把你的快乐建立在我的痛苦之上!We'll give you a prompt yes or no on whatever you require.无论你提什么要求,我们都会迅速答复你是或否。Sara wrote asking if she could help, so I wrote back and said yes.萨拉写信来问她是否帮得上忙,所以我就回信说要她帮忙。As each boy said yes, he ticked their name.每个男孩一应答,他便在相应的名字旁边打上钩。They voted yes to strike action.他们对罢工行动投了赞同票。Then they call out our names in order and we answer yes or no.随后,他们依次点我们的名字,我们则回答到与否。Oh yes, I remember now. We met him at the last conference, didn't we?噢,对了,我想起来了。我们是在上次会议上遇见他的,是不是?She gave a qualified yes to the question.她对这个问题是部分赞同。Who's to say he wouldn't have said yes if he'd known?谁能断定如果他知道了不会同意呢?I'm pretty sure he'll say yes.我相当肯定他会同意的。If it were up to me, I'd say yes, but I'll have to check with tptb.如果这事我说了算,我会同意的。不过我得征求领导的意见。He answered with a yes.他给了肯定的回答。We'd really like you to come to France with us this summer. Please say yes!我们真希望今年夏天你能和我们一起去法国,答应吧!I hate to make you go out of your way, but yes, I could use your help.我不想麻烦你,但你的帮助确实对我有用。He would beat me, yes, and you too.他会打我,还有你也会。He responded yes to both questions.他对两个问题都作了肯定的回答。You say I can't, but I say yes I can.你说我不会,可我说我就是会。Why don't you ask for a raise? You never know, they could say yes.你干吗不要求加薪?谁也说不准,他们也许会同意的。He cursed his cousin, yes, and beat him.他咒骂他表弟,不但如此,还打了他。It's no good applying for a job with him unless you're happy being a yes-man.找一份工作为他做事没什么意思,除非你乐于做一个应声虫。Experts say a 'yes' vote is still the likely outcome.专家说结果仍可能是投赞成票。I barely hesitated before saying yes.我几乎没有犹豫就同意了。It's always possible that they will say yes, but the chances are that they won't.他们答应的可能性一直存在,但是拒绝的可能性更大。They voted yes to the agreement.他们对协议投了赞成票。They just kept upping their offer until I had to say yes.他们一个劲地提高报价,直到我不得不接受。Do you really think your parents will say yes to letting you stay out late this Friday night?你真的认为你父母会同意让你这个星期五晚上很晚回家吗?She would not say yes or no, but gave an indirect answer to my question.她既不肯说是,也不肯说不是,而是给我一个转弯抹角的回答。This procedure will simply entail the interviewee answering yes or no.这一步骤只是要求被采访者回答是或者否。My immediate response was to say yes.我的第一反应就是同意。The boss is surrounded by yes men fearful for their jobs.这位老板的周围全是为了保全自己的工作而唯唯诺诺的人。I'm hoping the bank will say yes to another loan.我希望银行能同意再提供一笔贷款。She dared me to ask him out on a date. I did, and he said yes.她激我找他出来约会。我约了他,他说行。If you constantly try to make someone happy, you end up becoming submissive, saying yes when you don't really mean it.如果你总是想讨好某人,最后就会变得卑躬屈膝,口是心非。Of course I automatically said yes.当然,我脱口而出说是的。A single candidate is put forward and the people vote yes or no.先推出一个候选人,由人们投票表示赞成或反对。




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