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词汇 wrong side
例句 If you get on the wrong side of him he can be very mean.你要是惹烦他的话,他会很刻薄的。He was driving on the wrong side of the road.他在道路上逆向行驶。Be careful not to get on the wrong side of her.小心,别得罪她。The Duke's son was born on the wrong side of the blanket.公爵的儿子是私生子。Some have decided to risk social ostracism and stay on the wrong side of town.有些人已经决定冒着被社会孤立的风险,待在镇上的贫民区。She's got a terrible temper, you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her.她脾气很差,你可别惹她不高兴。Franco didn't want to back the wrong side in a European war.佛朗哥不想在欧洲战争中支持不义的一方。I think the boss must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning!我想老板今天早上肯定心情不佳。The car veered onto the wrong side of the road and hit an oncoming truck.这辆车突然驶入逆行道,跟迎面而来的一辆卡车相撞了。As a teenager, Clare was always getting on the wrong side of her mother.克莱尔十几岁的时候总是惹母亲生气。I try to figure to myself what would have happened if I hadn't seen the other car coming on the wrong side of the road.我在设想,要是我没有看见路上另外一辆车误行车道开过来的话,会发生什么情况。Some lunatic was driving on the wrong side of the road.有个蠢货在逆行开车。Be careful when you talk to the boss. He got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.和老板说话可要留点神,他今早一直都心情不好。It had gone on to the wrong side of the road and hit a car coming in the other direction.它驶上了逆行车道,撞上了对面驶来的一辆汽车。A car was coming in their direction on the wrong side of the road.一辆汽车逆行向他们冲过来。She fell in love with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks.她爱上了一个出身贫寒的男孩。He was a kenning on the wrong side of the law.他有点儿违反法律。He must have got out of bed on the wrong side today, because he has shouted at everybody in the office.今天他准是情绪不佳,办公室里的每一个人他都训斥了。I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of her.我不想招她讨厌。Her boyfriend came from the wrong side of the tracks.她的男朋友来自贫民区。His father is on the wrong side of 60.他父亲已过花甲之年。He had his socks on wrong side out.他把袜子穿反了。Whatever you do, don't get on the wrong side of him!不管你做什么,都不能失去他的欢心!His hat is on wrong side to.他的帽子前后戴歪了。




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