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词汇 wrapped
例句 He wrapped his dripping head in the towel.他用毛巾把湿淋淋的头包起来。Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field.人们发现她赤裸的尸体裹着一张床单被丢弃在田地里。She wrapped a ribbon around the box and tied a bow. 她把丝带系在盒子上,然后打了个蝴蝶结。Sometimes the professors are so wrapped up in their graduate students, they ignore the undergraduates.有时候教授们把注意力全放在研究生身上而忽略了本科生。A handkerchief was wrapped around his left hand.他的左手用一块手帕包着。We see couples with their arms wrapped round each other.我们看见一对对互相拥抱着的情侣。I wrung my hair and wrapped it in a towel.我挤干头发上的水,然后用毛巾把头发包起来。The baby wrapped its pudgy little hand around my finger.小婴孩用胖乎乎的小手握住了我的手指。The girl was wrapped in a blanket and rushed to hospital.女孩被裹在毯子里,匆匆送往医院。The parcel was wrapped in plain brown paper.那个包裹是用普通牛皮纸包着的。The corpse was wrapped in a white shroud.尸体裹着白色的尸布。Chocolate is wrapped in foil to keep it fresh.为保新鲜,巧克力用箔纸包起来。The package was wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine.包裹以牛皮纸包装,以双股线捆扎。A human form lay there, wrapped in a shroud.一个包着裹尸布的人形躺在那里。The boy huddled up against the wall, arms wrapped around his knees.男孩双臂抱膝,靠墙缩成一团。Have you wrapped up Jenny's present yet?你把珍妮的礼物包起来了吗?We wrapped on schedule.我们按预定时间完成了拍摄。All the story's loose ends were wrapped up as the novel ended.故事所有的悬念都在小说的结尾做了交代。I wrapped the ice cream in three thicknesses of newspaper to keep it cool.我用三层报纸包裹冰淇淋使其不致变热融化。The little girl had a woolen scarf wrapped snugly round her neck.小女孩脖子上暖呼呼地围着一条羊毛围巾。Your left hand should be wrapped fairly firmly around the butt end of the club.你的左手应该紧紧握住棒子较粗的一端。These days she's so wrapped up in her children she never sees anybody.现在她全部精力放在孩子身上,什么人都不见。Hazel's totally wrapped up in the new baby.黑兹尔把全部精力放在刚出生的孩子身上。His hands were wrapped in gauze bandages.他的两只手包上了纱布。Jamie was snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf.杰米围著一条白色羊毛围巾舒适而暖和。Harry had carefully bought and wrapped presents for Mark to give them.哈里精心购置了礼物又仔细包好,让马克交给他们。She wrapped the child carefully in a blanket.她用毯子仔细地把孩子裹起来。We were well wrapped up against the cold.我们穿得暖暖的抵御寒冷。She came downstairs after her shower, wrapped in a towel.她淋浴后裹着毛巾走下楼来。She pulled out a small package wrapped in tissue paper.她掏出一个用纸巾包起来的小盒子。Ignoring my protests, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.他不顾我反对,脱下夹克裹在我肩上。They wrapped the blanket about her.他们用毯子把她裹住。She has him wrapped around her little finger. 她把他玩弄于股掌之间。She wrapped the baby in a blanket.她把婴儿裹在了一条毯子里面。The glasses were wrapped in newspaper before being put in the packing case.玻璃杯放进装运箱之前已先用报纸包好。Parents can get wrapped up in their own troubles, and not notice how it's affecting their children.做父母的可能陷入自己的麻烦事之中,没有注意到这对子女的影响。She wrapped an elastic around the cards.她用橡皮筋绑住这些卡片。Ellianne wrapped the shawl around her shoulders.埃莉安在肩上披了条披肩。She came out with two packages wrapped in holly-sprigged paper.她抱着两个用带有冬青枝叶图案的纸包装的盒子走了出来。He's too serious and dedicated, wrapped up in his career.他太严肃、太专注,一心扑在事业上。




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