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Students’ main gripe is the poor quality of the dorm food.学生的主要不满是宿舍的饭菜质量差。There is an oddity in our dorm who takes a bath once every semester.我们宿舍里有个怪人,一学期只洗一次澡。We all lived in the same dorm during our sophomore year.大二的时候我们都住在同一个宿舍。She's already palled up with a girl from her dorm.她已和同宿舍的一个女孩成为好友。A lot of art students live in this dorm.许多学艺术的学生住在这宿舍里。Students are explicitly forbidden to smoke in the dorm rooms.明令禁止学生在寝室里吸烟。 |