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词汇 working hours
例句 I am not sure your additional working hours are convertible into wages.我不敢确定你的额外的工作时数可以转换成工资。Both of them juggle their working hours to be with the children.他们两个都将工作时间排开以陪伴孩子。You can telephone during normal working hours.你可以在正常工作时间内打电话。We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours.工作时间内我们不得喝酒。The talks with the men bogged down on the questions of working hours.和工人们的谈判在讨论到工作时间问题时陷入了僵局。The workforce have recently been calling for their working hours to be reduced. Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week.工人们最近一直在呼吁缩短工作时间。许多公司于是转成了一周五天工作制。The long working hours put a severe strain on employees.工作时间长使雇员产生很严重的焦虑情绪。Flexible working hours are a win-win situation for employers and employees.灵活的工作时间对于雇主和雇员来说是双赢的。Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonisation of their working hours.法国航空公司的飞行员举行罢工,抗议在欧洲范围内统一飞行员的工作时间。People want to have more discretion over their working hours.人们要求对工作时间有更多的自主权。Telephone at any time during normal working hours.正常工作时间内请随时来电。Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours.员工们说他们希望有更灵活的工作时间。At your request we may agree, exceptionally, to work outside usual working hours.在您的要求下,我们可能会破例同意在正常工作时间之外工作。Accountancy can offer flexible working hours.会计工作可以提供弹性工作时间。Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonization of their working hours.法国航空公司的飞行员发起罢工,抗议实行和欧盟各国一致的工作时间。Flexible working hours could give working parents more time to spend with their children.弹性工作时间可以让上班的父母有更多的时间和孩子们在一起。Workers' rebellion against unfair working hours succeeded.工人们反抗不公平的工时规定取得了成功。The doctor advised him to cut down his working hours.医生劝他减少工作时间。The engineers have gone on strike for better pay and shorter working hours.工程师举行了罢工,要求提高工资,缩短工作时间。Long working hours are very disruptive to home life.工作时间过长严重影响家庭生活。The workforce have been calling for their working hours to be reduced. Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week.劳动者一直在呼吁减少劳动时间,于是很多公司已经改为一周五天工作制。Unions would like more flexible working hours to replace the nine-to-five, forty-hour week.工会希望工作时间更为灵活一些,不再是每天朝九晚五,一周工作四十小时。The new policy of shorter working hours will serve to take the sting out of the pay cut.缩短工作时间的新政策有助于减少降低薪水带来的不快。The reduction in average working hours has led to an increase in leisure time.平均工作时间的减少使空闲时间增加了。They are lounging away their working hours.他们在消磨工作时间。




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