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词汇 workers
例句 Conflict between management and workers leads to inefficiency in the workplace.管理方和工人之间的冲突导致了工厂生产效率低下。Right up until the last minute, workers were still putting the finishing touches on the pavilions.直到最后一刻,工人们仍在对展馆进行最后的修饰。Only one third of workers said their supervisors know what motivates them to do their best work.只有三分之一的人说他们的上司知道怎样激发他们的最大潜能。The workers are on strike.工人们正在罢工。Average earnings for skilled workers are rising.熟练工人的平均工资在增长。Guest workers seek hot-bed vacancies in town.外来客籍工人在城里寻找待租的热铺。The construction workers wore metal helmets for protection.建筑工人为了防护而带金属头盔。Harrison successfully faced down the mob of angry workers.哈里森把那伙愤怒的工人压了下去。Some of the workers enjoy a relatively high degree of job security.其中有些工人工作比较稳定。The workers are sinking a well.工人们正在挖井。The workers had no say in how the factory was run.工人在工厂管理方面没有发言权。As a way of reducing the workforce, workers are being offered cash inducements to retire.作为一种减少劳动力的方法,给工人们现金诱使他们退休。The workers were out reaping in the fields.工人们在田里收割。Her co-workers spoke highly of her.她的同事对她评价很高。They were accused of exploiting migrant workers.他们被指控剥削外来工人。More workers were taken on as the organization got bigger.该机构扩展业务后招聘了更多工人。These workers enjoy a high level of job security.这些工人的工作非常稳定。Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers.坠落的石头阻滞了救援人员的救援进程。The country's greatest resource is the dedication of its workers.这个国家最大的资源就是劳动者的奉献精神。The workers in this company are promoted according to their capabilities.这家公司的工人是根据他们的能力提升的。The boss would not let his workers out early for the holiday but threw them a bone by buying lunch.老板不愿让员工早点放假,于是施以小恩惠,给他们买了午餐。The workers and the employers look at difficulties in quite a different light.工人和雇主对困难的看法很不相同。Companies are so busy analysing the financial implications that they overlook the effect on workers .公司忙于分析此事对财务可能产生的影响,而忽视了其对工人的影响。Many of the workers are very badly paid.那些工人中有很多人工资非常低。They offered public sector workers their biggest pay increase to date.他们承诺给予国企员工迄今为止最大幅度的加薪。It was just another excuse for them to bash social workers.这只是他们公开抨击社会工作者的又一个借口。The closure of the large factory made many workers live in idleness.那家大工厂的关闭使许多工人失业。The extra workers won't be needed any longer.不再需要额外的工人。The prosecution's first witness is expected to be one of the defendant's co-workers.控方律师的第一位证人应该是被告的一位同事。The supervisor keeps a watchful eye on the workers. 这名主管密切关注工人们的一举一动。The local people still had considerable misgivings over the flood of workers into their town.当地人仍然对外来工人大量涌入他们的城镇疑虑重重。I've asked some of the old-timers to help train new workers.我已经请一些老员工帮忙培训新员工。Thousands of workers migrate to this area each summer.每年夏天成千上万的工人来到这个地区。Many of the workers have been replaced by machines.许多工人已经被机器替代了。He blames corporate bean counters for causing thousands of workers to lose their jobs.他把成千上万的工人失业归咎于公司里那些只知道算计钱的人。It became increasingly expensive to hire casual workers.雇用临时工越来越贵了。The mine owners coerced the workers into going back to work, by threatening to close down the mines completely.矿主威胁要关闭全部矿井,迫使工人复工。Migrant workers played a central role in the state's prosperity.流动工人为该州的繁荣作出了重要贡献。Some workers refused to join the union.有些工人拒绝加入工会。The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.工会先前坚持工人应得到奖金,但现在已不再坚持了。




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