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词汇 without prejudice
例句 The tale is told without prejudice or bias.不偏不倚地讲完了故事。He was able to turn down the promotion without prejudice, and applied again several years later.那一次升职他婉言相拒,当时没有引起不满,几年之后他又提出了申请。Will you be able to judge without prejudice to the defendant?你在判决时能够使被告不受损害吗?My client accepts the formal apology without prejudice to any further legal action she may decide to take.我的委托人接受了正式道歉,这不会影响她将来可能会采取的法律手段。He is able to criticize his firm without prejudice to his chances of promotion.他能够既批评公司而又不影响自己的晋升。He said he hoped the Swiss authorities would investigate the case thoroughly and without prejudice.他说希望瑞士当局会彻底地、不带任何偏见地调查这个案件。They continued hostile attacks without prejudice to their negotiations.他们在不使谈判受损害的同时,继续进行敌对性的攻击。You should make a decision without prejudice to our rights.你作出的决定应该不损害我们的权益。I think we can say without prejudice to our position that we must try to understand the arguments of all the factions involved.我认为我们可以在无损自己立场的基础上表明,我们必须设法理解所有有关派别的论点。We accept the outcome of the inquiry, without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters.我们接受了调查结果,并没有使悬而未决的领海问题进一步恶化。




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