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例句 Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of bodies.她从人流中慢慢地挤了回来。The rise and fall of the dancers' bodies create a pattern.舞者身体的起伏构成了一幅图案。Animal bodies emit perspiration.动物身体会出汗。Women's bodies can tolerate less alcohol than men's.女性的身体对酒精的耐受力比男性要差一些。Babies have big heads in proportion to their bodies.与身体相比,婴儿的脑袋都大。More bodies have been dug up at the site.在那个地点又挖出了一些尸体。Such a view implies that our bodies and sexual nature are inherently ungodly.这样的观点暗示我们的身体和性本能天生就是邪恶的。We've recovered two bodies from the wreckage, but they are unrecognizable.我们从残骸里找到两具尸体,但已无法辨认了。These bodies have full-time staff allocated to work with the commission.这些机构有全职员工被指派去与该委员会一起工作。Dead bodies littered the streets.街上死尸遍地。Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.维持秩序和纪律的工作已交接给了校长和管理机构了。The suspense over the two remaining hostages ended last night when the police discovered the bullet ridden bodies.随着昨晚警方发现了弹痕累累的尸体,人们对剩余两名人质的担心也终告结束。Both waste and repair are constantly going on in our bodies.消耗与补充两者在我们体内不断进行着。He stood so close to me that our bodies touched.他紧挨着我站着,我们的身体都碰到了一起。The beach was filled from end to end with tanned bodies.整个海滩上到处都是晒得黑黝黝的身体。This morbid obsession with dead bodies was barbaric.这种对尸体病态的着迷太野蛮了。In industry after industry, government bodies have erected bars to competition.政府机构在一个又一个行业中设置了障碍以阻止竞争。The sun and stars are luminous bodies.太阳和恒星是发光体。We did examinations on the bodies.我们对这些尸体进行了检查。Viewed from high up, their bodies were oddly foreshortened.从高处往下看,他们的身体小得出奇。The adults have white bodies and grey backs.这些成年的动物身体为白色,背部为灰色。Athletes in Roman times used to oil their bodies before wrestling.古罗马时期的运动员常在摔跤前往身上抹油。Snakes seek the sun to warm their bodies.蛇寻找阳光以暖身。I like the otherness of men's minds and bodies.我喜欢男人与我在思想和身体上的相异性。We are always being told to nourish our bodies by eating the right food.我们一直被告知要通过合理膳食来滋补身体。We lay there: a huddle of bodies, gasping for air.我们横七竖八地挤作一团躺在那里,大口喘着气。Trade Unions nominate representatives to public bodies.工会指定驻公共机关的代表。Members of the largest and most diverse phylum of animals (Arthropoda), have segmented bodies and an external skeleton.动物界中数量和种类最多的一个门(节肢动物门)的成员躯体分节,有外骨骼。The force of the blast threw bodies into the air.爆炸力把尸体抛到了空中。Sometimes, the stench from the bodies of the deceased can be very nauseating to the investigating police.有时候,死者身上发出的臭味对调查的警方来说是令人恶心的。Our bodies burn food/calories.我们的身体要消耗食物/卡路里。The murder occurred in the general vicinity of where the bodies were found.谋杀就发生在发现尸体的附近一带。Two more bodies were found nearby after the shooting.枪击事件后附近又发现了两具尸体。The bodies of these racing cars are moulded from the same composite that is used for making aircraft.这些赛车的车体所用的是一种与制造飞机机身相同的复合材料。The homeless sleep in doorways and stations - we step over their bodies like so much human flotsam.无家可归的人睡在门口和车站——我们跨过他们的身体时就好像他们的存在毫无意义。They would rob the bodies of those struck down in battle.他们会偷盗战死沙场者身上的财物。Acute dysentery wracked and sapped life from bodies already weakened by hunger.急性痢疾把本已饥羸的身体折腾得衰竭无力。The bodies of the two soldiers were buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.两名士兵的遗体以隆重的军葬礼下葬在阿灵顿国家公墓。When we are under stress our bodies tend to tense up.人一紧张,身体就会变僵硬。The Trust needs a new law to divide it up into smaller bodies.该托管组织需要有新法律来将它分成若干小型机构。




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