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词汇 every single
例句 The police questioned every single one of the passengers on the plane.警察一个不漏地盘问了飞机上所有乘客。She lost every single thing when her house burned down.她的房子被烧毁以后,她失去了所有的一切。Do we have to count every single penny we spend?我们必须算上花掉的每一个便士吗?He played Beethoven's Ninth every single night.他每天夜里都演奏贝多芬的第九交响乐。 Fire regulations state that every single child should be out of the building in three minutes.消防条例规定三分钟之内每个孩子都应撤出大楼。I paint the house every single year.我每年都把房子粉刷一遍。I have answered every single question, but my opponent has answered none.我已回答了每一个问题,但我的对手却一个问题都没回答。In future I'm going to check every single piece of work that you do!今后我要检查你做过的每项工作。For the workers, every single day is a race against time.工人们天天在和时间赛跑。I translated this as a mad desire to lock up every single person with HIV.我把这点理解为想把每个艾滋病病毒携带者都关起来的疯狂欲望。If you drop any rice you'll have to pick up every single grain.如果你掉了米粒,就必须把每一粒都捡起来。It is all terribly flattering and she is trying to reply to every single letter personally.一切都让她感到无比荣幸,她尽量亲自回复每一封信。Those lawyers are razor sharp, and you've got to be careful about every single word you say.那些律师极其敏锐,你每讲一个词都必须很小心。Don't write down every single word I say.不必把我说的每一个字都写下来。It rained every single day of our vacation.我们的假期里每一天都在下雨。As you listen, you notice how every single word is imbued with a breathless sense of wonder.你仔细听,就会注意到每一个词都是那么的神奇,令人惊叹。He's proved his worth every single week.他每个星期都在证明自己的价值。He seems to know every single person in the school.他好像认识学校里的每一个人。I drink milk every single day.我每天都喝牛奶。They give a slant to every single news item that's put on the air.他们播放的每一则新闻都有所偏向。One must bring one's own talents to every single task.一个人应该在每一项任务中发挥自己的才能。She can't watch him every single minute.她不可能每时每刻都看着他。




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