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词汇 wisdom
例句 Paul learned to value his father's wisdom and advice.保罗学会了重视父亲的智慧和忠告。She was rather doubtful about the wisdom of eating the seafood.她很怀疑吃海鲜是否明智。These stories offer plenty of wisdom to readers.这些故事呈现给读者大量信息。He entertained the audience for two hours with his wit and wisdom.他凭自己的聪明才智让观众开心了两个小时。Doubts were expressed about the wisdom of the visit.有人对这次访问是否明智表示怀疑。He prayed to God to endue him with wisdom.他祈求上帝赋予他智慧。The council, in its wisdom, decided to close the library and now the building stands empty.市政会以他们的智慧决定关闭那所图书馆,于是现在那座大楼就空置着。He was among the first to question the received wisdom of the time.他是那个时代首先质疑当时被普遍认可的处世之道的人之一。Many Lithuanians have expressed doubts about the wisdom of the decision.很多立陶宛人对该决定是否明智表示了怀疑。Lots of wise old men were killed and lots of wisdom passed away with them.许多有才智的老人遭杀害,大量的智慧财富也随着他们一起消失了。They were godlike in their wisdom and compassion.他们有上帝般的智慧和同情心。Consultants are too often seen as the source of all wisdom.咨询人员往往被看成是无所不知的智者。The Egyptian leader was praised for his courage, wisdom, and flexibility.埃及领导人因其勇敢、智慧和灵活性而倍受称赞。Ancient wisdom has stood the test of time.古老的智慧已经经受了时间的考验。James voiced the conventional wisdom about it.詹姆士说了对此事的一般看法。A bridge between ancient wisdom and modern insight is now being built.正在架设一座沟通古代智慧与现代见解的桥梁。Her books are infused with humour and wisdom.她的书充满了幽默和智慧。She has gained a lot of wisdom over the years.这些年她的学识与日俱增。The media assembled to catch the minister's pearls of political wisdom.新闻媒体聚在一起领会部长的政治至理名言。He decided, in his infinite wisdom, that it would be better to sell the house than to keep it.他自作聪明,竟然认为把房子卖掉比留着它好。Visionaries are constantly fighting conventional wisdom because they see the world ahead in terms of what it can be.愿景家总在不断挑战传统思维,因为他们是用超前的眼光看待这个世界的。The accepted wisdom is that the Moon is uninhabited.月球无人居住是一个被普遍接受的观点。The former world champion imparted a few words of wisdom to the young runners.前世界冠军送给年轻赛跑运动员几句至理名言。The boss, in her infinite wisdom, has decided to reorganize the whole office yet again.老板智慧无穷,又决定要重新布置整个办公室。As traffic grew, the conventional wisdom was to widen the roads.一般公众对交通流量增加的反应就是要拓宽道路。Many commentators doubted the political wisdom of introducing a new tax.许多评论家怀疑开征一项新税在政治上是否明智。Citizens were indoctrinated into believing that their leader was the source of all wisdom and goodness.市民被灌输了这种思想,相信他们的领袖是所有智慧和善良品质的源泉。He showed great wisdom in what he said and did.他在一言一行中都显露出他那非凡的智慧。She is a fountain of knowledge/wisdom.她是知识/智慧的源泉。She believed that she had been selected by the Master to reveal forgotten wisdom.她认为自己已经被大师选中来揭示被人们遗忘的智慧。He is too lacking in worldly wisdom to be a politician.他对人情世故知之甚少,当不了政治家。The Magi, Bramins, and Druids were bracketed together as men of wisdom.东方三博士、婆罗门和德鲁伊特都被视为富有智慧的人。People are already questioning the wisdom of the move.人们已经在怀疑该行动是否明智。He had the wisdom to stop before he said too much.他很明智,说话适可而止。That old man is a fount of wisdom.那老人有无穷的智慧。Thank you for those pearls of wisdom, Emma.多谢你的金玉良言,埃玛。You mustn't mistake lack of formal education for lack of wisdom.你不可把没有受过正规教育误认为是缺乏智慧。There, he imbibed the wisdom of Socrates.在那里,他吸收了苏格拉底的智慧。The cross-legged deity exudes wisdom and composure.盘腿而坐的女神显得镇静而又睿智。It has forced politicians to think again about the wisdom of trying to evacuate refugees.这迫使政治家们重新考虑疏散难民是否明智。




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