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词汇 win at
例句 Everyone knows that you can't win at gambling because the odds are stacked in the dealer's favour.谁都知道赌博你是赢不了的,因为庄家占有明显优势。Are you going to declare all that wine at customs?你打算在海关申报所有那些葡萄酒吗?She was determined to win at any cost.她决心不惜一切代价要获胜。You can buy the wines at cost.你可以按成本价买这几种酒。I never win at tennis.我打网球从来没赢过。They had back-to-back wins at home to Germany and Brazil.他们在对德国和巴西的主场比赛中连续取胜。She is reported to have thrown a glass of wine at her former boss.据报道,她向前任老板泼了一杯葡萄酒。He has an unpleasant habit of gloating whenever he wins at tennis.他有个令人讨厌的习惯,就是每次打赢网球就沾沾自喜。I had too much wine at supper.晚餐时我喝了太多的葡萄酒。As he is a partner in the firm, he is allowed to buy wines at cost.由于他是公司的合伙人,他可以按成本价格买酒。Everyone was predicting a Republican win at the last election and look what happened.所有人都预测共和党会在上届大选中获胜,看看发生了什么。He always wins at cards.他玩牌总是赢。Sammy was feeling flush after a win at the races.萨米比赛获胜后觉得很宽裕。It is important to store wine at a constant temperature.恒温保存葡萄酒是很重要的。Did you win at cards last night?你昨晚打牌赢了吗?Store the wine at room temperature.在常温下储藏葡萄酒。The Eagles are way behind. We'll never win at this rate.鹰队远远落后,照这样下去我们赢不了。The president has the wind at his back on this issue.在这个问题上,总统处于有利地位。He can drink two bottles of wine at one time.他一次能喝两瓶酒。"They didn't even serve wine at dinner!" she sniffed.“他们在正餐时间竟然没有供应酒水!”她轻蔑地说。Sometimes an outsider will win at long odds, but not often.有时不被看好的赛马也会爆冷获胜,但这种情况并不经常发生。Klein is bound and determined to win at least five races this year.克莱因决心很大,今年至少要赢五场比赛。The law of averages says we'll win at least once.从平均律来看,我们至少能赢一次。He was allowanced a glass of wine at dinner.允许他在宴会上喝一杯酒。She was determined to win at all costs. 她决心不惜任何代价取胜。Keep the wine at room temperature. 在室温下保存葡萄酒。She always wins at Scrabble.她玩拼字游戏总是赢的。Manchester United go up two places after their win at Liverpool.曼彻斯特联队在利物浦获胜后名次上升了两位。He was exulting in a win at the show earlier that day.他为在那天的表演中获胜而十分欣喜。He'll never be able to win at the ballot box. 他绝不可能在选举中获胜。She has recently notched up her third win at a major ski event.最近,她在一项重要的滑雪赛事中获胜,取得了她的第三次胜利。She had a good win at bingo, but blued all her winnings on a night out with all her friends.她玩宾戈游戏赢了不少钱,但一个晚上就和她所有朋友一起挥霍掉了。She powdered up a glass of grape wine at one gulp.她把一杯葡萄酒一饮而尽。They relaxed over wine at a sidewalk table.他们在路边茶座喝葡萄酒放松放松。He drank the glass of wine at one draft.他一口喝干了那杯酒。Serve the wine at room temperature.在室温下斟上葡萄酒。They sell wine at cut-rate prices.他们以极低的价格出售葡萄酒。




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