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词汇 whole family
例句 She fixed lunch for the whole family.她给全家准备了午饭。She's managed to turn your whole family against you.她使你的全家人与你反目。Helms attempted to poison his whole family with strychnine.赫尔姆斯企图用马钱子毒死全家。Our youngest daughter was hyperactive, and it had a damaging effect on the whole family.我们的幼女是一个多动的孩子,把全家人都搞得无法安宁。His behaviour has sometimes been hard on the whole family.他的行为有时让全家人跟着受罪。At Christmas, the whole family helps trim the tree.圣诞节时,全家都帮忙装饰圣诞树。When Max was fired from his job the whole family had to pack up and leave town.马克斯被开除后,全家人不得不收拾行李,离开城镇。Winter is coming,she has to rig the whole family out with warm clothing.冬天即将到来,她得给全家人准备好保暖的衣服。Tim's drinking has made him an embarrassment to the whole family.蒂姆的酗酒使他成了让全家难堪的人。The whole family is rotten to the core.那一家人全坏透了。The whole family wanted to return to the motherland.全家人都想返回祖国。He brought discredit on the whole family.他给全家人丢了脸。The teaching invitations he received from two American universities are like gold dust to his whole family.美国两所大学请他去讲学的聘书对他全家来说价值连城。The whole family weighed in with offers of help.全家人一致提出愿意帮忙。My whole family came to watch me playing in the concert.我的全家都来观看我在音乐会上的演奏。The whole family was present.全家人都到场了。Our whole family went to a dude ranch to celebrate my father's birthday last Saturday.我们全家上星期六到一家观光农场庆祝我父亲的生日。The whole family was sitting around the dinner table.全家人围坐在饭桌旁。Sport knits the whole family together.运动让全家团结在一起。In the evenings the whole family would gather around the fire.到了晚上全家人都会围坐在炉火边。Her behavior disgraced the whole family.她的行为让整个家庭蒙羞。Her behaviours have disenchanted the whole family.她的行为举止已使全家人都对她失去了好感。The whole family knelt on cushions to pray.全家人跪在跪垫上祈祷。Mother is fixing supper for the whole family.母亲为全家准备晚饭。The whole family were smitten with flu.全家人都患上了流感。He brought Christmas greetings from the whole family.他带来了全家人的圣诞祝愿。We had a cozy dinner with the whole family.我们全家人舒舒服服地吃了顿晚餐。The whole family felicitated John on his new appointment.全家为约翰新的任命向他表示祝贺。The whole family enthused over the new baby.全家人都十分喜爱这个新生婴儿。They hadn't planned on the whole family coming.他们未料到全家人都来了。Best of all, it's a sociable activity that the whole family can enjoy together.最好的是,那是个交际性活动,全家可以一起参与。The whole family lives in two pokey little rooms at the back of the building.全家人就住在建筑物后部两间狭小的房间里。While the father was in jail, the whole family suffered his disgrace.父亲入狱,全家人蒙羞。The whole family perished in a shipwreck.全家人都在一次海难中丧生。The whole family turned out to welcome him back.全家人都出来迎接他归来。Bring the whole family along.把全家都带来。His crime had brought disgrace upon his whole family.他的罪行使整个家庭蒙羞。His bad behaviour brought shame on his whole family.他的恶劣行径给他全家带来耻辱。The whole family descended on us for Easter.全家突然来我们这儿过复活节。Jeff had shopped extravagantly for presents for the whole family.杰夫花了很多钱为全家人买礼物。




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