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词汇 Who
例句 Who's that chubby little girl with the dark hair?那个长得胖乎乎的黑发小女孩是谁?Who won last night's game?谁赢了昨天晚上的比赛?Who is your local GP?你们区的全科医生是谁?Who authorized the decision to close the factory?是谁批准关闭工厂的决定的?Who is your family doctor?你的家庭医生是谁?Who can tell what the future holds?谁知道将来会怎样?Who would want to visit such a godforsaken place?谁会想参观这样一个破地方?Right, here's the ladder. Who's going down first?好,这儿有梯子。谁先下去?Who issued the travel documents?谁核发这些旅游证件的? Who are the worthies on the platform?台上是些什么要人?Who's been going into my drawers?谁在翻动我的抽屉?Who could wish for a better opportunity?谁还会企求能得到比这更好的机会呢?Who invented the steam engine?谁发明了蒸汽机? Well, you have your nerve. Who gave you permission to spy on me?嘿,你好大胆子。谁让你来刺探我的?Who's been mucking the tools around?Some of them are damaged.谁老是在瞎弄这些工具?有的已经损坏了。Who is it that presides over this new radio programme?是谁主持这套新的广播节目? They may come or not. Who cares? 他们可能来也可能不来。管它呢。Who will be the men's singles champion?谁将获得男子单打冠军?Who does this coat belong to?这件大衣是谁的?Maybe the world will end tomorrow. Who can say?也许明天就是世界末日了,谁知道呢?Who did he box in his first fight?他在拳击比赛第一轮中的对手是谁?Who was that at the door just now?刚才站在门口的是谁?He might come back and say he still loves me, who knows? Who cares?他也许会回来说他仍爱着我,谁知道呢?谁在乎?Who would buy this wreck of a car?谁会买这么一辆破车?Who funds the company pension plan?谁为公司的养老金计划提供资金?Who remembers those movies nowadays?如今谁还记得那些电影?Who designed this building/dress/furniture?是谁设计的这座建筑物/这款裙子/这套家具?Who's messed up my nice clean kitchen?谁把我整洁的厨房弄脏了?Who's looking after the department while you're away?你外出时谁负责该部门?Who dumped all these books on my desk?谁把这些书胡乱放在我的书桌上?Who did the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?西斯廷教堂的天花板上的壁画是谁画的?Who's running this country, the government or the trade unions?这个国家由谁控制,政府还是工会?Who do you bank with?你在哪家银行开有账户?Who should I see about my schedule?关于我的日程该和谁商讨? Who will be pitching first for the White Sox this evening?今晚谁是白短袜队第一个投球的?Who'll fix my computer if something goes wrong?我的电脑出问题的话谁来修?Who's the bright spark who came up with this rotten idea?哪个自作聪明的人提出了这个烂主意?Who authorized this expenditure?这项支出是谁批准的?Who will be the main beneficiaries of these economic reforms? 谁将成为这些经济改革的主要受益者呢?Who is responsible for the upkeep of these buildings?谁负责这些大楼的维修?




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