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词汇 White House
例句 There was nervousness in the White House about what might happen.白宫对可能发生的事情有所担心。There are many visitors to the White House every year.每年参观白宫的游客很多。She was greatly flattered by an invitation to visit the White House.她对受到邀请访问白宫感到很荣幸。Tourists come in droves to see the White House.游客成群结队前来参观白宫。White House officials ordered Williams to recant.白宫官员命令威廉斯公开宣布放弃自己的观点。There are clear signs that the governor is geared up for a second attempt at the White House.有明显的迹象表明那位州长已准备好要再次进军白宫。The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.白宫坚持称总统是了解黑人群体的心声的。The White House has the final say.白宫掌握着最后决定权。He stacked up a chance to go to the White House.他获得一次进入白宫的机会。A panel of advisors is urging The White House to adopt a blueprint for dealing with such emergencies.顾问小组敦促白宫采纳应对这种紧急事件的计划。Examples of proper nouns in English are Joseph, Vienna, and the White House.英语中专有名词的例子有约瑟夫、维也纳和白宫。For the time being, all eyes are on the White House.眼下很多人都在注意着白宫。Eisenhower left the White House and retired to his farm in Gettysburg.艾森豪威尔离开白宫,退隐到他在葛底斯堡的农场。The White House posted a transcript of the speech on its website.白宫在其网站上发布了讲话稿。The White House says the president would veto the bill.白宫表示,总统将否决这项议案。At the White House, U.S. officials said they had some advance warning of the coup attempt.在白宫,美国官员们说他们曾事先接到政变警告。Police and FBI agents convoyed the President to the White House.警察和联邦调查局特工护送总统到白宫。The party tried to ride to the White House on the coattails of a general.那政党企图仰仗一名将军的提携而进入白宫。The department occupies an office just a mile from the White House.该部门就在离白宫一英里远的地方有一幢办公楼。He wrote an outré comedy about life in the White House.他写了一出有关白宫生活的怪诞喜剧。She was designated by President as the chief of the White House Office.她被总统任命为白宫办公厅主任。The White House has portrayed the President as deeply conflicted over the matter.白宫的说法是,总统在此事上举棋不定。The White House has always been a goldfish bowl.白宫向来对外开放,任人参观。With the blessing of the White House, a group of Democrats in Congress is meeting to find additional budget cuts.在白宫的支持下,一群民主党国会议员将开会寻求进一步缩减预算。Petitions bearing nearly a half-million signatures were sent to the White House.有将近五十万人签名的请愿书被送到白宫。The White House said there would be no change in procedure.白宫表示程序上不会有任何变化。The White House says the president would veto the bill.白宫称总统将否决这项议案。As the controversy rages on, the deafening silence from the White House is drawing increasing criticism.当争论激烈进行时,白宫的缄默招致了越来越多的声讨。He was ticketed for a job as White House adviser.他被任命为白宫顾问。She worked in the White House throughout the Clinton presidency.克林顿任总统期间,她一直在白宫供职。She frequently uses her editorials to hurl/throw darts at the White House. 她常常利用社论抨击白宫。Officials at the White House were sending reporters on a wild-goose chase.白宫官员们在把记者引入迷魂阵。Protesters are still picketing outside the White House gates.抗议者仍围在白宫大门外抗议。David McNeil is travelling with the White House press corps.大卫·麦克尼尔正和白宫记者团一同前行。He was waiting for new marching orders from the White House.他正在等待来自白宫的新命令。The White House was swarming with security men.白宫挤满了安保人员。Much of the Old South was preserved at the White House.白宫里保持好多南北战争前南方的生活方式。The public had a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the White House.公众少有地窥见到了白宫内部的运作情况。The White House persisted in its efforts to pass the bill, despite the opposition of Congress.尽管国会反对,白宫还是执意要通过这项法案。Everybody knew he had his eye on the White House.大家都知道他有当总统的野心。




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