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词汇 while
例句 You can't quit while you're ahead.你是赢家,现在不能走。They chatted for a while.他们聊了一会儿。The rich lived in luxury while thousands were condemned to live a life of poverty and despair.富人过着奢侈的生活,而成千上万的人都不得不过着贫穷和绝望的生活。But go and have a peek at him while I make us some tea.我给咱们沏茶,你过去看他一眼。Most men use billfolds to carry their money, while women use pocketbooks.多数男人用褶式皮夹来放钱,女人则用钱包。Howie hid her face in her hands while Mr Martin paced the room, unable to look at the screen.豪伊将脸埋在手掌中不去看电视屏幕,而马丁先生则在屋里不安地踱步。He was tired and had trouble staying alert while he was driving.他很疲倦,开车时无法保持警觉。A line of male dancers gyrated to the music while the audience screamed their appreciation.一排男舞蹈演员随着音乐大跳性感热舞,观众们尖叫不已,大喊过瘾。We didn't do an awful lot while Geraldine was here.杰拉尔丁在的时候,我们就做不了很多事。The bird hopped across the lawn, keeping a sharp lookout all the while.小鸟在草坪上跳来跳去,一直保持着高度警惕。He stood apart while the other members of the team celebrated.当队里其他队员一起庆祝时,他却独自站在一边。Why don't you let your mother pamper you for a while?.何不让你母亲宠你一段时间呢?He blurted everything out about the baby, though we'd agreed to keep it a secret for a while.尽管我们事先商定了要保密一段时间,他还是脱口说出了所有有关孩子的事。He decided to lie low for a while after the report came out.报道出来以后他决定暂时不露面。He's going to give football a rest for a while.他要暂停一阵子不踢足球了。She messed around the kitchen for a while and then went out on the front porch.他在厨房里磨蹭了一会,接着走到前面的门廊里去。The two ministers have yet to meet, but may do so while in New York.两位部长尚未会面,但可能会在纽约碰头。Carbon is an element, while carbon dioxide is a compound.碳是元素,而二氧化碳是化合物。The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more.锻炼奇怪的地方在于它会越活动越有劲。The lifestyle is so very different - it takes a while to adjust.生活方式差别太大了,得过一段时间才能适应。Three instructors have been suspended from duties while sexual harassment charges are investigated.性骚扰指控调查期间,三名讲师被暂时停职。We sat in Lily's sunroom while I sketched in the situation.我们坐在莉莉的日光浴室里,我把目前形势的细节情况又补充说明了一下。People are leaving in their thousands while the going is good.成千上万的人在趁早脱身。I shall sit in for you while you go to the shops.你去买东西的时候,我将代你照料一下。She used her jacket as a windbreak while she lit the fire.她点火时用自己的短上衣挡住风。Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.北方的学校设施往往要好一些,而南方的学校则相对差一些。I looked up a few old friends while I was in Birmingham.我去伯明翰的时候看望了几个老朋友。She'll huff and puff for a while, but she'll calm down later.她会发一会儿脾气,但是稍后就会平静下来。After a while, the loud ticking of the clock began to irritate me.钟声滴滴嗒嗒的很响,我一会儿就烦起来了。After work I like to come home and relax for a while in front of the television.下班后,我喜欢回家看看电视放松一会儿。Why don't you lie down on the sofa for a while?你为什么不在沙发上躺一会儿呢?It's taken a while to get to the crux of the problem, but I think I finally understand it.找到问题的症结颇费周折,但是我想我终于搞明白了。Somebody phoned while you were out.你出去时有人打过电话。You've been driving for a while - do you want me to spell you?你开车开了一阵了——需要我替你一会儿吗?It's been a while since we last heard from Jo.我们已经有好些时候没有乔的消息了。I lost a tooth while chomping on a French baguette!我啃法棍面包时,崩掉了一颗牙!Some people came by train while others came by car.有些人是坐火车来的,而另一些人是坐汽车来的。Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat-based diet.有的人偏爱素食,而另一些人偏爱肉食。He watched the baby while I made dinner.我做饭时他照顾宝宝。The court will take a brief recess while the witness composes herself.法庭将短暂地休庭以使证人镇静下来。




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