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例句 He was farmed out, together with his three siblings, to whichever aunts and uncles would take them.他和他的三个兄弟姐妹被愿意接纳他们的叔叔婶婶领养了。Learn to relax by whichever method suits you best.学会用最适合的方式来放松自己。You are free to choose whichever courses you want to take.你可以自由选择你想学的课程。It's not right, whichever way you think about it.无论你怎么想,它都不对。You can choose whichever color you want.你可以选你喜欢的颜色。Either Thursday or Friday - choose whichever day is best for you.星期四或星期五都行——选一个你最方便的日子。It's going to be expensive whichever way you do it.无论你采用什么方法,代价都会非常高昂。It's the same distance whichever way you go.你无论走哪条路,距离都是一样的。We can go on Tuesday or Friday, whichever you prefer.我们可以星期二走或者星期五走,你愿意选哪天都行。She'll buy whichever is cheapest.什么最便宜她就买什么。He will support whichever candidate wins.不论哪位候选人获胜,他都会予以支持。We will gladly exchange your goods, or refund your money, whichever you prefer.我们将很乐意为您换货或退款,看您更愿意怎么做。Choose whichever one you want.挑选一个你想要的。You'll find deer crossings whichever road you take.不管你走哪条路,都能发现鹿走过的路。Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it, whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak.犹太人只要愿意,均可自动加入以色列国籍,不管他们是什么肤色,不管他们说何种语言。Read whichever books you please.你爱读哪些书就读那些书。Take whichever book you prefer.你喜欢哪本书就拿哪本书。You can either have the double room or the family room, whichever you want.你可以住双人房或家庭套房,随你喜欢。He may choose whichever he wishes.他可以任选一个。We can meet at the pub or in the restaurant, whichever's nearer for you.我们可以在酒吧或餐馆见面,看哪个离你近一些。It will be a difficult operation, whichever method you choose.不管你选择哪种方法,这会是个复杂的手术。You may have whichever you wish.你想要哪一个就可以拿那一个。Take whichever you like - they're all the same.你喜欢拿哪个就拿哪个吧—都是一样的。Choose whichever one you like, it's okay by me.选择你喜欢的,我都可以。I'm sure you'll have a good time whichever cruise you decide to take.我相信无论你决定走哪条巡游路线,你都会玩得很开心。You can choose whichever method of payment you prefer.你可以选择你喜欢的支付方式。Please strike out whichever option does not apply to you.请将不适用于你的选项划掉。We can take a taxi or the bus, whichever comes first.出租车或公共汽车都行,哪个先来就乘哪个。




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