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词汇 whether or
例句 She wondered whether or not to trust him.她不知道该不该信任他。You examine a patient and then you decide whether or not to operate.先为病人作检查,然后再决定是否做手术。You have the power to decide whether or not you'll agree to do it.你有权决定你是否同意做这件事。I was in two minds whether or not to come this morning.今天早晨要不要来我拿不定主意。The president's age has no bearing on whether or not I will vote for him.总统的年龄对于我是否投他票没有影响。Scholars have debated whether or not Yagenta became a convert.学者们就弥源太是否皈依进行过辩论。We discussed the matter of whether or not to hire a bus.我们讨论了是否要租辆大巴的问题。The way you conduct yourself in an interview often determines whether or not you get the job.面试中的表现常常决定你是否能得到那份工作。I think we should take a vote on whether or not to accept their offer.我想我们应该就是否接受他们的提议进行表决。They will consider whether or not he has been guilty of serious professional misconduct.他们将考虑他是否犯有严重玩忽职守的过失。We had a brief debate about whether or not to accept the offer.关于是否接受提议,我们进行了简短的辩论。There is a lot of controversy over whether or not wolves should be released into the park.对于是否应该把狼群放入公园,目前存在许多争议。I'm telling you our arrival time on the assumption that you will check to see whether or not our flight is on time before you come to the airport.我现在把我们到达的时间告诉你,前提是你来机场之前要先确认一下我们的航班是否准点。I'm in a predicament. I don't know whether or not I ought to tell my brother that his wife's having an affair.我现在处境尴尬,不知道是否该告诉我哥哥他的妻子有了外遇。Few areas of nutrition are more hotly debated than whether or not people should take vitamin supplements.在营养学的范畴中人们是否需要服用维生素补充剂这一题目,引起了少有的激烈辩论。We need to assess whether or not the system is working.我们需要评估一下这个系统是否运行正常。This blood test will show whether or not you're immune to the disease.这个血检会显示你是否对这种疾病具有免疫力。I've been deliberating whether or not to accept the job offer.我一直在仔细斟酌是否接受这份工作。She had to decide whether or not to cable the news to Louis.她当时必须决定要不要将这个消息电发电报告诉路易斯。He threatens to go, whether or no.他威胁说他无论如何要走。The matter of whether or not the Royal Family should pay taxes was first raised in an article in the Times.王室是否应缴税这个问题首先是在《泰晤士报》上的一篇文章中被提出来的。You will have to find out whether or not you qualify for a pension.你得弄明白自己是否有资格领取养老金。It's still an open question whether or not you may go.你是否可以走还没有确定。You may rely upon me, whether or no.不管怎么样,包在我身上好了。It is debatable whether or not antibiotics would make any difference.抗生素是否有效仍值得商榷。I debated whether or not to call her parents.我考虑是否该给她父母打电话。There was a lot of uncertainty about whether or not the picture would be a success.这部电影是否能成功当时很难确定。It is still an open question whether or not you may go.你是否可以去现在还不得而知。I want to see how the land lies before I decide whether or not to take the job.我要先看看情况再决定是否接受这份工作。The jury is out on whether or not this is true.对于这件事情是否属实还没有定论。He will be here tomorrow, whether or no.不管怎样,他明天会来这里。We're going whether or not you decide to come along. = Whether or not you decide to come along, we're going. 不管你决定来还是不来,我们都要去。He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.要不要回国,他进退两难。She meditated on whether or not to return to school.她认真考虑过是否要回到学校。Nadine was undecided whether or not to go to college.娜丁尚未决定是否去上大学。She asked herself whether or not to stick with her husband.她问自己是否要忠于丈夫。I had to decide whether or not to respond to his letter.我必须得决定是否回复他的信。Not all women have the choice of whether or not to breast-feed their babies.并非所有女性都能选择是否给宝宝进行母乳喂养。They now have two weeks to decide whether or not to buy.现在他们有两周时间决定到底买还是不买。They are at the center of a furious debate over whether or not to expand the city's public transportation system.他们陷入一场是否扩大城市公交系统的激烈争论之中。




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