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词汇 when
例句 The sex scenes in the book were considered very shocking at the time when it was published.这本书里面的性爱场面描写在当初出版时被认为是不堪入目的。She was going up the stairs when she fell.她上楼时跌倒了。She was well informed over textual matters yet less clued-up when it came to interpretation.她对文本非常了解,然而对解读就不那么熟悉了。It was in the beginning, when we were still ironing out problems.那是在刚开始,我们还在着力解决问题。My husband worries when I'm late home from work.我下班回家晚丈夫就会担心。An example of projection is when someone thinks that everyone hates them because they hate themselves.情感投射的一个例子是,有些人自己都不喜欢自己,所以认为所有人也不喜欢他们。I couldn't stop laughing when I saw what he was wearing.看到他那身打扮,我笑个不停。One afternoon when I was home from school, he asked me to come to see a movie with him.一天下午我放了学在家的时候,他邀请我去和他一起看电影。As for doctors, when you go to see them they just look right through you.说到医生,你去看病时,他们直把你当透明的。It was a better community then when all the pits were working.所有的煤矿都在开工的那个时候,这个社区的情况要更好一些。Somebody lifted her purse when she wasn't looking.有人趁她不注意时偷走了她的小手提包。Teenagers who discover they were adopted often search for their biological parents when they are old enough.有的十几岁的青少年在发现自己是领养的孩子之后,往往会在长大以后去寻找自己的亲生父母。He'd been in a coma for weeks, when all of a sudden he flickered an eyelid.他已经昏迷几个星期了,突然他的眼皮动了一下。I have caned my son when necessary.必要时,我就用藤条打儿子一顿。Is Phyllis taking any time off when you're there?你在那里的时候,菲莉丝有没有请假?I'll be more mobile when the car's back from the garage.车从修理厂取回来以后,我出行就更方便了。He took it pretty badly/hard when his dog died.他的狗死了,这让他备受打击。She nodded when I asked her if she was ready.我问她准备好没有,她点了点头。Frik Burger will officiate when the Pumas play Scotland.弗里克·伯格将担任阿根廷队对苏格兰队比赛的裁判。It's difficult to maintain a correspondence when we're both so busy.我们两个都很忙的时候,要保持通信联系很难。I had to laugh when I found out that our luggage had been lost. What else could go wrong?当我发现我们的行李丢失时,我不得不苦笑。还有什么更糟糕的事吗?She seemed almost gleeful when I told her Hope had been fired.我告诉她霍普被解雇了,她看起来几乎是幸灾乐祸的。She took her own life when her balance of mind was disturbed.她神经错乱时自杀了。Discussion of this question prospered better when its relevant facts were furnished.在提供了有关的事实之后,这个问题的讨论取得了顺利的进展。My father can be a grumpy old bear when he's tired.我父亲疲惫时就会像只大熊一样暴躁。There were always rows when my dad got home.我父亲回到家里总要吵架。I'll be glad when the war is over.战争结束时我会很高兴。I'll give you a shout when it's time to leave.该离开时我会告诉你。Can you save your rehearsal for later when we have more time?你能不能把你的详述留到我们有更多时间的时候再说? Keep going straight on through the town and when you come to the school, turn left.在镇上一直走,到达学校时向左转。He had to stop when another car nipped in before him.当另一辆车子超到他前面时,他只好停车。She'll do her nut when she sees the mess.她要看到这一团糟的话,会气得火冒三丈的。She was startled when Lisa popped up at the door all smiles.当莉萨满脸堆笑地出现在门口时,她大吃一惊。I was at home when the desperately hoped-for call came through.我在家时接到了十分期待的电话。When exactly are they supposed to arrive? = Exactly when are they supposed to arrive?准确地说他们什么时候能到?His command came to an inglorious end when he surrendered the fort.当他交出要塞的时候,他的指挥便不光彩地结束了。The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby's larynx.婴儿的喉咙接触到空气时,就会哭出来。You'll feel better when you've had a rest.休息一下你就会觉得好一些。To tell the truth I'll be glad when the kids are back at school.说实话,孩子们回到学校去的话我会很高兴的。The boy fell off his bicycle when he went over a dip in the road too fast.那男孩骑自行车经过一个凹坑的时候速度太快,从车上摔了下来。




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