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词汇 特制的
例句 Turn a special key, press the brake pedal, and your car's brakes lock.转动一把特制的钥匙,踩下刹车踏板,这样你的汽车刹车就锁住了。Not too many years ago a car would run on most any kind of gasoline, but now engines require fuels that are virtually tailor-made.不多年以前,汽车几乎可用任何种类的汽油驱动,而如今发动机要求的燃料几乎都是特制的Special earplugs dulled the sound of the chain saw.特制的耳塞降低了链锯的噪声。It's important to wear special reflective clothing when riding a bike.骑自行车时穿上特制的反光衣服是很重要的。The Antarctic survey team will be using vehicles specially designed to cope with the hostile environment.南极考察队将使用为应付恶劣环境特制的交通工具。The art is housed in a purpose-built structure that provides a controlled environment.这件艺术品被放在一个特制的建筑物里,里面的环境是可以调控的。They used special paint to cover up the cracks in the wall.他们用特制的涂料来遮盖墙上的裂缝。Special protective clothing is worn.穿上了特制的防护服。He used a special machine to round off the corners of the old table.他用了一台特制的机器将这张旧桌子的角打磨成圆形。To bottle fruit you put fresh fruit into special containers.把水果装瓶,就是把新鲜的水果装入特制的容器里。The car runs on a special ether-alcohol mixture that won't work in an ordinary engine.这部车的燃料是一种特制的乙醚和酒精的混合物,这种燃料在普通的引擎里不能使用。The crown, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones, was exhibited in a special case.装饰着钻石和其他宝石的王冠被放在一个特制的橱窗里展出。The project clearly requires a tailored computer system.这个项目显然需要一种特制的电脑系统。The scientists dived down in special suits to walk on the bed of the sea.科学家们穿着特制的潜水服潜至海底行走。




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