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Her wet hair was plastered to her head.她的湿头发紧贴在头上。The swimmer's wet hair was matted together.那游泳者的湿头发乱糟糟结成一团。Directions: wet hair, apply shampoo, and massage into a rich lather.使用说明:润湿头发,涂上香波并轻揉头发至产生丰富的泡沫。He towelled his wet hair.他用毛巾擦干了湿头发。James came out of his bedroom, toweling his wet hair.詹姆斯从卧室出来,用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。Her wet hair was kinking in the breeze.她的湿发被微风吹得缠结在一起。James came out of his bedroom, towelling his wet hair.詹姆斯走出卧室,一边走一边用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。The breeze blew my wet hair dry.微风把我的湿发吹干了。She pushed her wet hair off her forehead.她把搭在额头上的湿头发撩开。She pushed her wet hair back/away from her face.她把湿发从脸上拨开。 |