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例句 The next baby was bound to add to the family's expense but wouldn't break the bank.生下一胎势必增加家庭开支,但不至于倾家荡产。This movie will add to his fame. 这部电影将使他声誉更高。The low price is deceptive. Many fees are added to it before the purchase is complete.这个低价带有欺骗性。采购完成前会附加许多笔费用。It all adds to the richness of human life.这一切让人类的生活更加丰富多彩。His words only added to her fear and paranoia.他的话反而增加了她的恐惧和疑虑。The loud music added to the confusion. 嘈杂的音乐更是乱上添乱。A really good wine will add to your enjoyment of the meal.美酒能为佳肴增添乐趣。When lead is added to petrol, it improves the car's performance.铅加在汽油中可以提高汽车的性能。Chlorine is added to kill bacteria.加氯是为了杀死细菌。Flags and bunting added to the gaiety of the scene.各色旌旗增添了场景的欢乐气氛。It remains lunacy to produce yet more coal to add to power stations' stockpiles.煤越产越多,而发电站的煤堆越来越高,这始终是愚蠢的行为。They added to the house the next year.第二年,他们扩建了房屋。The bad weather added to the shipwrecked sailors’ difficulties.恶劣的天气增加了失事船只的船员们的困难。The high rate of desertion has added to the army's woes.高逃兵率更使部队雪上加霜。Material about recent research has been added to this new edition.这个新版本增加了最近的研究材料。He bought another rare coin to add to his collection.他又为自己的收藏购入了一枚珍稀硬币。A confidentiality clause was added to the contract.合同中加上了一条保密条款。Smiles, nods, and cheerful faces added to the general gaiety.微笑、点头和喜洋洋的脸庞使喜庆的气氛变得更浓了。A new annex is being added to the hospital.那家医院在增建房屋。The play has been added to their repertoire.这出戏已被加进他们的剧目单中。War has now added to the misery of these starving people.如今战争令这些饥民的日子雪上加霜。A sleepless night had added to her pallor.一宿没睡,她的脸色更加苍白。Here's another doll to add to your collection.这儿又有一个玩具娃娃可以加入到你的收藏中。The scar down his face added to his air of menace.脸上的那道长疤使他看起来更加凶悍。Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency.进口激增将增加对硬通货的需求。Cream may be added to the sauce for extra flavour.将奶油加入酱中,别有风味。This does not add to a row of beans.这丝毫无济于事。When violet is added to the medium blue a particularly striking, warm coloration is created.在中蓝色中加入蓝紫色就形成了一种格外鲜艳夺目的暖色。There will be live entertainment to add to the party atmosphere.将有现场娱乐节目增加聚会的气氛。This latest decision has only added to the general confusion.最近的这个决定只是加剧了总体的混乱。We hope this adds to your enjoyment of the play.我们希望这能使您在欣赏剧目时更加尽兴。A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count.一两杯葡萄酒不会显著增加热量。New facilities are being added to accommodate the special needs of elderly residents.正在添加新的设施以满足老年居民的特殊需求。A stylish design adds to the appeal of this contemporary house.时尚的设计增加了这所现代住宅的吸引力。Hosting the Olympic Games would add to our country's international prestige.主办奥运会可以提高我国在国际上的声望。His remarks add to the proof that she is innocent.他的话进一步证明她是无辜的。She is shopping for designer dresses to add to her wardrobe.她正在为她的衣柜添置品牌服装。Rain permeates through the ground to add to ground water levels.雨水渗入地下,提高了地下水水位。The sound effects had been prerecorded and were added to the dialogue.音响效果经预录后已加入到对话中。Chemicals were added to disinfect the water.水中加入了用来消毒的化学品。




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