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词汇 侧面
例句 In a fit of jealousy, he ran a key down the side of Greg's car.他感到一阵嫉妒,就用钥匙在格雷格的汽车侧面划了下去。As a general rule, burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building.通常来说,窃贼对从房屋的正面或侧面潜入会比较谨慎。The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.贸易赤字只是经济快速增长的一个侧面She chalked a message on the side of the barn.她在谷仓侧面用粉笔留了言。Their car was hit side-on by a speeding truck.他们的轿车被一辆超速行驶的卡车从侧面撞了。A scan of the girl's brain showed seizure activity in the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes of the brain.女孩大脑扫描显示在大脑侧面、顶部和枕部都有发作迹象。The truck hit the car broadside on.卡车与汽车侧面相撞。He shot the eight ball into the side pocket.他把八号球打进了侧面球袋。The car was hit broadside. The front and rear were undamaged.车身侧面被撞,前面和后面没有损坏。He caught her on the side of her head with his fist.他的拳头打到了她的脑袋侧面I made a mental note of the name on the side of the van.我牢牢记住了货车侧面的名字。The car hit the wall side-on.汽车侧面撞上了墙。The wall is weak and requires lateral support.墙体不坚固,需要从侧面加以支撑。I exited through a side window.我从侧面的一扇窗户离开。He caught her on the side of her head with his other fist.他的另一只拳头从侧面击中她的头部。The grooves in the base and the sides of the unit will hold the back panel in place.元件底座和侧面的沟槽可以使后面板固定就位。Red cloth decorated the front and sides of the platform.讲台的正面和侧面装饰着红布。Next screw the back and sides of the box together.下一步把盒子的背面和侧面拧在一起。It hit the car broadside and shunted it sideways.它从侧面撞上去,把车撞歪了。She sat observing his face in profile.她坐著从侧面观察他的脸。Calculate the angles between the walls and the base of the pyramid.算出这个棱锥各侧面与底面的夹角。The dancers entered from the side of the stage.舞蹈演员从侧面登台。The priest sat in profile to her.牧师侧面朝她坐着。They showed her a photo of a young brunette, taken in profile.他们给她看了一张从侧面拍的照片,是一个深褐色头发的年轻女子。Fergie had seen only a side-on view of the incident.弗姬只是从侧面目睹了那次事件。There were flecks of mud on the sides of his boots.他的靴子侧面有许多泥点子。She was standing in the wings, waiting for her cue.她站在舞台侧面候场。If the gate's locked, you'll have to go around the side of the house.如果大门锁上了,你们就得从房子侧面绕过去。A sideview brain scan reveals a tumour.侧面扫描图显示有一肿瘤。The car's safety features include side-impact bars.这辆汽车的安全装置包括装有侧面防撞条。The car was hit broadside.汽车被从侧面撞上了。His car was broadsided by a truck as he was driving through the intersection.他的车驶过交叉路口时被一辆卡车从侧面撞上了。The accident left a big gouge in the side of the car.事故发生后,汽车侧面留下一个大洞。A truck ran into the side of the car, killing the driver and two passengers.一辆卡车撞到轿车侧面,造成司机及两名乘客死亡。This book is a collection of slices of life in the pubs.这本书是反映酒馆生活多个侧面的短篇集。The bus hit the car side-on.公共汽车与轿车侧面相撞Cream oozed out at the sides.奶油从侧面渗出。The glass hit him a glancing blow on the forehead.那玻璃从侧面击中他的额头。




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