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Were you serious, or was that a bit of tomfoolery?你是认真的呢,还是有点胡闹?Were you wearing your jacket when we got on the bus?我们上公共汽车的时候,你穿着外套吗?Were they written tongue-in-cheek, or with an underlying conviction?它们只是随便写出来的呢,还是有什么深层的信念?Were there any calls for me while I was out?我不在时有电话找我吗?Were there any messages for me? = Did anyone leave a message for me?有人给我留言吗?Were you baptized a Catholic?你是在天主教教堂受洗的吗?Were you thinking in terms of the entire test?你是在琢磨整个考试吗?Were you told when she would be arriving?有人告诉你她什么时候到吗?Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly?.他的病情发展得这么快,您是否感到意外?Were you invited to her party?你受邀参加她的聚会了吗?Were you stopped at the border?你在边界被拦住了吗?Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed?会有热情减退的时候么?Were you wearing a seat belt?你系座椅安全带了吗?Were you able to make any sense of what he said?你能明白他说的是什么意思吗?Were you satisfied with the way things turned out?你对事情的发展态势满意吗?Were you at the meeting when they announced the layoffs?他们宣布裁员时你在会上吗?Were there any problems during the changeover from the franc to the euro?法郎向欧元转换的过程中出现过问题吗?Were you always fairly bright at school?.你在学校一直还算聪明吧?What was the game like? Were there many people there?比赛怎么样?那里有很多人吗?Were you personally involved in this decision?你亲自参与了这项决策吗?Were these small movements the precursor to a major earthquake?这些小震是大地震的先兆吗?Were you just trying to trap her into making some admission?.你刚才是想诱使她供认吗?How did you get that black eye? Were you in a fight?你这乌青眼是哪来的?和别人打架了?Were you disappointed with the way you played today?你对自己今天在场上的表现感到失望吗?Were the two deaths connected?这两起死亡有联系吗?Were the contracts that were offered to the players as derisory as we have been led to believe?合同里给球员开出的薪水真如想要我们相信的那样低得可笑吗?Were you scared? Fat chance.你当时受惊了吗?才不呢。Were you pleased when you saw the results?你看到结果高兴吗?Were you surprised by the number of people who came to the party?你对赴宴人数感到吃惊吗?Were Shakespeare to return today, he would be amazed to find his plays being studied in schools.如果今天莎士比亚复活的话,他会吃惊地发现他的剧本正在学校被人研读。Were they morally justified in lying to Mrs Keech?他们对基奇夫人撒谎合乎道德吗?Were it not for this misfortune, he might never have been forced into the business of grinding out novels to support his family.要不是因为这一不幸变故,他可能永远都不会迫于无奈地开始流水线式创作小说养家糊口。Were veterans honoured and adequately rewarded for their sacrifice?付出牺牲的老兵得到尊重和应有的回报了吗?Were it not for John, I'd have given up my studies.要不是因为约翰,我早就放弃学业了。Were any of your books published under the name Amanda Fairchild?.你们所出版的书里有署名为阿曼达·费尔柴尔德的吗?Were her tears a true sign of contrition?她流眼泪是真心悔过吗?Were you skiving or were you really ill?你是故意逃避还是真的病了?Were you naughty today at school or did you obey the teacher?你今天在学校调皮了吗?有没有听老师的话?Your eyes were glued on her all the time. Were you harboring any evil thoughts?你一直目不转睛地看著她,是否心中抱有邪恶的念头? Were your parents religious?你的父母信教吗? |