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词汇 went to
例句 He left his hometown and went to try his luck alone in the capital.他背井离乡,只身去首都碰碰运气。We went to school together in Atlanta.我们在亚特兰大一起上大学。Grover got caught for not paying his taxes and went to jail.格罗弗因漏税被发现而入狱。I had to sign for the parcel when I went to get it at the post office.从邮局领取包裹时,我得签字。Eric went to Seattle to visit his cousins.埃里克到西雅图去看望他的表兄弟。Then he went to Boston, and that was the last I saw of him.然后他就去了波士顿,那是我最后一次见到他。I went to her house one day and had lunch with her.有一天我去了她家,还和她共进了午餐。I went to the meeting with the best of intentions but we still ended up arguing.我满怀好意去参会,但最后我们还是吵了起来。We went to look around the show homes.我们去参观了样板房。They went to court to determine the property's lawful owner.他们打官司决定财产的法定所有人。We went to the temple of Atlantis and saw it by moonlight.我们去了亚特兰蒂斯神庙,在月光下观看了一番。She went to London to seek fame and fortune.她去伦敦追名逐利。I went to see them last week.我上周拜访过他们。We went to see a movie last night. = We went to a movie last night.昨晚我们去看电影了。George took out a bunch of keys and went to work on the complicated lock.乔治掏出一串钥匙,上前去鼓捣那把结构复杂的锁。He went to the dentist under protest.他勉强去看了牙医。Alison mingled for a while and then went to where Douglas stood with John.艾利森去应酬了一会儿,然后走到道格拉斯和约翰站着的地方。He went to the grocery store around/round the corner from the bank.他从银行去了街角的杂货店。Two of the robbers threatened to duff the witness up if he went to the police.其中有两名劫匪威胁目击者说如果报警就揍他。I went to see Sally in hospital, but she was still groggy from the anaesthetic.我去医院看望萨莉了,但她因麻醉仍有些昏昏沉沉的。She went to a spa for a beauty treatment.她去温泉疗养所做美容。Miss Melville went to receptions and dinners, to garden parties and cocktail parties.梅尔维尔小姐参加了招待会和晚宴,出席了花园聚会和鸡尾酒会。He undressed himself and went to bed.他脱去衣服,上床睡觉。I went to the bank to pay in a cheque.我去银行存入一张支票。When she went to the lavatory, he peeped inside her refrigerator.当她去盥洗室时,他偷看了一下冰箱里的东西。We went to the beach for the day.我们去海边待了一天。They went to rescue people trapped inside fallen buildings.他们赶去抢救陷在倒坍房屋里的人。We went to a jazz concert last night.我们昨晚去听爵士音乐会。If I remember correctly, your brother went to Canada ten years ago.如果我记得不错的话,你兄弟十年前就到加拿大去了。I went to the municipality and I asked for a house.我去市政当局申请住房。Eventually her curiosity was piqued and she went to talk to the boy.最终她的好奇心被勾了起来,她跑去和那个男孩说话了。I went to hear them in concert. 我去听了他们的音乐会。We went to his funeral to pay our last/final respects.我们参加了他的葬礼向逝者做最后的告别。Davis went to regain his carriage.戴维斯回到他的马车上。We went to a bar for a drink.我们去酒吧喝了一杯。We went to dances, but only under the watchful eye of our father.我们去跳舞了,但只能在父亲的监视下。He went to the ticket machine and put a coin in.他走向售票机把一枚硬币投进去。She went to the jail to bail out her boyfriend. = She bailed him out of jail.她去监狱把男朋友保释出来了。The people who went to church frowned on those who spent Sunday mornings in bed.上教堂做礼拜的人不赞同那些星期天早上在床上睡懒觉的人。Did you know David went to school with my brother? It's a small world, isn't it?你知道吗?戴维和我哥哥是一起上的学。 世界真小啊,是不是?




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