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词汇 went through
例句 He went through with his plan although all his friends advised him to abandon it.尽管他所有的朋友忠告他放弃他的计划,但他坚持完成了该项计划。He went through a bad patch after his wife died, but now he seems to be back to normal.妻子死后他经历了一段难过的日子,不过现在好像恢复正常了。He went through the figures.他把数字检查了一遍。He went through the documents with a fine-tooth comb.他非常仔细地审查了文件。Following news of increased profits, the company's share price went through the roof.利润增加的消息传出后,该公司的股票价格猛涨。A frisson of alarm went through her.一阵恐慌传遍她全身。Her application went through and she was hired.她的求职被接受,她被录用了。We went through the gate into the orchard.我们从大门进了果园。I can't believe he went through with the divorce.我简直不敢相信他真的办了离婚。A sniper's bullet went through the sleeve of his coat. It was a close shave but didn't even scratch him.狙击手的一颗子弹打穿了他外套的袖子,虽然险得很,可他连皮也没擦破。Her friends told her the idea was pure/sheer madness, but she went through with it anyway.朋友们告诉她那想法简直是愚蠢至极,但是她就是执迷不悟,坚持付诸实践。Once we got things moving, the deal went through very quickly.我们一旦启动,协议很快就达成了。The baby's mom went through the usual contortions to get him to eat.为哄宝宝吃东西,妈妈把她惯用的招数都使了出来。He went through a big upset after his father's death.父亲死后他经受了极大的苦恼。To our relief, the deal went through without any problems.令我们感到宽慰的是交易没有遇到任何麻烦。A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.拥挤的审判室响起一片嘁嘁喳喳的谈话声。The telephone call quickly went through.电话很快接通了。The news went through town like wildfire.消息在小镇里迅速传开来。She went through the ritual of rubbing noses with her daughter.她和女儿行了碰鼻礼。The car took off from the banked track and went through a fence.车子冲出倾斜的赛道,穿过了一道护栏。He went through all the money he inherited.他把继承的遗产挥霍一空。A ripple of laughter went through the audience.观众中响起一阵轻轻的笑声。They went through three bottles of wine with dinner.晚餐时他们喝光了三瓶葡萄酒。The thoroughness of the evaluation process we went through was impressive.我们亲历的评估过程面面俱到,给人留下了深刻印象。Words cannot describe the tremor of pleasure that went through me.言辞难以描述当时我全身心感到的那种兴奋。I never went through a final exam that was as difficult as that one.我从来没有碰到过像那次那么难的期末考试。They went through the agonies of war and famine.他们经历了战争和饥荒的痛苦。The proposal went through on the nod.这项提议获得了一致同意。He bravely went through with the wedding ceremony even though he was in a lot of pain.他虽然疼痛万分,但还是在婚礼中勇敢地坚持了下来。We went through our food supplies at an alarming rate.我们以惊人的速度把储备的食品都吃完了。We went through the wet to the flower show.我们冒雨前去参观花展。They went through our luggage at the customs.海关人员检查了我们的行李。A series of shudders went through the ship as the mine exploded.鱼雷爆炸,引起轮船一连串的颤动。He went through a period of deep despondency after his divorce.他离婚后经历了一段极度消沉的时期。The plane bucked when we went through some dark clouds.我们乘坐的飞机穿过乌云时,发生了猛烈颠簸。The amendment went through.修正案通过了。The company went through many drastic changes after its new owner entered the scene.新老板上任以后,公司经历了很多剧烈变化。They went through the new marriage service.他们举行了新式婚礼。You think that's bad? It's nothing compared to what I went through.你认为那很糟糕吗?和我经受过的相比那根本不算什么。We went through a tank of gas on the trip.我们旅行用了一箱汽油。




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