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The animals all look happy and well-fed.那些动物看上去全都无忧无虑,吃得很好。The dinner they served wasn't fancy, but we went home well-fed.他们准备的晚宴不算丰盛,但我们还是吃得饱饱地回了家。It should be possible to be warm and well-fed, and to enjoy all the good things of life, while respecting the needs of the planet.在兼顾地球自身需要的同时,满足人们吃饱、穿暖并享受生活中所有美好事物的需求,是完全有可能的。These were well-fed pampered people, used to luxury.这些人娇生惯养,经常有的是吃的,过惯了奢侈的日子。The engine purred like a well-fed tiger.发动机像一头吃饱喝足的老虎一样发出咕隆声。 |