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词汇 weapons
例句 The men were finally persuaded to come out and hand over their weapons to the police.那帮人最终被说服走出来,将武器交给警方。Inside the atom there is a nucleus composed of neutrons and protons. The nucleus is crucial to the making of nuclear weapons.一个原子里面有由中子和质子组成的核,对制造核武器很重要。There are fears that the weapons might fall into the wrong hands.有人担心武器可能会落入危险人物手中。His first task was to search them for weapons.他的首要任务就是搜查他们身上是否携带武器。The treaty would not allow any country to produce, acquire, or retain chemical weapons.该条约不允许任何国家生产、购买或保留化学武器。These new weapons will make us better able to defend against attack.这些新武器能使我们更好地抵御攻击。The police ordered the criminals to lay down their weapons.警方命令罪犯放下他们的武器。You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.不要以为魔杖一挥便能消除核武器。The weapons had gone out of use.这些武器已经被淘汰了。Their defences are proof against most weapons.他们的防卫工事足以对抗大多数武器的攻击。It is already possible to start moving toward the elimination of nuclear weapons.已有可能朝着消除核武器的目标努力。We will agree to disarming troops and leaving their weapons at military positions.我们将同意解除军队的武装并把武器留在军事阵地。Under the treaty, both sides will sign away a third of their nuclear weapons.根据该条约的规定,双方将签字放弃他们三分之一的核武器。Hydrogen bombs are thermonuclear weapons/devices.氢弹是热核武器/装置。The end of the cold war helped create a situation in which more countries than ever have access to nuclear weapons.冷战的结束产生了一种局面,就是和以往相比,更多国家获得了核武器。Agreements on nuclear weapons have not always worked.关于核武器的协定并不总是行之有效。All chemical weapons facilities will be deactivated.所有化学武器设施都将进行处理使其失效。The troops submissively laid down their weapons.各部队服从命令,放下了武器。Events in Eastern Europe shifted popular consensus against a new generation of nuclear weapons.东欧发生的事件使公众转而一致反对新一代的核武器。Even the fishermen armed themselves with whatever weapons they could procure.甚至渔民们也用他们所能弄到的武器武装起来了。The men were all searched for weapons and then allowed to enter.所有男性都被搜查有没有带武器,然后才允许进入。The warring factions have not yet turned in all their heavy weapons.交战各方尚未交出所有重型武器。Delegates signed a treaty to reduce the armouries of conventional weapons in Europe.各代表签署了协议以减少欧洲的常规武器装备。Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.全国的核武器工厂均受到了有毒废弃物的严重污染。These are purely defensive weapons, not designed for attack.这些是纯粹的防御性武器,并不是用来进攻的。The government has called for a moratorium on weapons testing.政府已要求暂停武器试验。The government placed restrictions on sales of weapons.政府对武器销售采取了限制措施。He was searched by the guards for weapons.他遭到警卫的搜查,看有没有武器。The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.两位领导人还同意签署削减化学武器储备的几项条约。We should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.我们应该效仿他们的做法,禁止化学武器。The prospect of putting weapons in space is frightening to many people.把武器放入太空的可能性对许多人来讲都是可怕的。Police confiscated their weapons.警察没收了他们的武器。Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.这样的战争可能导致使用生化武器。Detectives have uncovered a plan to smuggle illegal weapons into the country.侦探发现了走私非法武器入境的阴谋。Car bombs have become essential terrorist weapons.汽车炸弹已经成为恐怖分子主要的武器。The guards conducted a shakedown of the prisoners' cells to look for weapons.为了寻找武器,卫兵对囚徒的牢房进行了彻底搜查。The amount of money spent on nuclear weapons is shocking.花在核武器上的金额令人感到震惊。High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers.大马力汽车在无经验的驾驶员手中就是杀人武器。We deplore the development of nuclear weapons.我们强烈反对发展核武器。Tension has reached such a pitch that the armed forces say soldiers may have to use their weapons to defend themselves against local people.紧张关系已达白热化程度,武装部队说士兵有可能不得不使用武器保护自己不受当地民众的伤害。




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