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词汇 wayside
例句 Health reform was one of his goals that fell by the wayside.医疗改革是他的目标之一,却在半途夭折了。She drove through Westport, and stopped a few miles beyond at a wayside inn.她驱车穿过西港,继续开了几英里在一个路边旅馆停了下来。But all those good intentions went by the wayside as things changed.然而随着情势的变化,那些美好的打算全都泡汤了。The project fell by the wayside.这个计划后来夭折了。We must care for the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside.我们要关心那些弱者,不然他们会因失败而放弃努力的。The travellers stopped at a wayside inn to refresh themselves.游客们在一家路边客栈歇息进食。So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside?那么为什么一家公司度过了经济衰退期,而其他竞争对手都中途倒闭了呢?Of the nine starters, three fell by the wayside.九个参赛者中有三名选手中途放弃了。The people worshipped at wayside shrines.人们在路边的圣祠礼拜。We were going to redo the kitchen this spring, but those plans have fallen/gone by the wayside. 我们原来打算今年春天重新装修厨房,但那些计划都被搁置了。We spent the night in a wayside inn.我们在一家路边的旅店过夜。Local inhabitants display their handicrafts on the wayside.当地居民在路边陈列他们的手工艺品。Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough.业余爱好者遇到困难时往往半途而废。Most people fall by the wayside.大多数人半途而废。So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside?为什么有些公司能在萧条中生存,而其竞争者却纷纷落马呢?Luxury items fall by the wayside during a recession.在经济衰退时期,奢侈品就会乏人问津。




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