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词汇 way of
例句 She is by way of being a fine pianist.她也算是优秀钢琴家。There was no tactful way of phrasing what he wanted to say.没有办法婉转地表达他想说的话。I think he offers apologies for his cooking as a way of fishing for compliments. 我认为,他为自己的厨艺道歉,其实是在旁敲侧击,想要别人赞扬他。The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.她有钱了,可这丝毫没能让她改变节俭的生活习惯。She has her own special way of baking bread.她有自己独特的烤面包方法。Pessimism has a way of infecting everyone.悲观情绪常常会影响到每一个人。They are looking at ways of reducing the waste of natural resources.他们正在寻找减少自然资源浪费的方法。Other countries retained their traditional ways of doing things.其他国家仍然保持着传统的行事方式。He put me in the way of a job.他帮我谋得一份工作。Making notes is the best way of keeping your mind on the task at hand.记笔记是集中思想于手头工作的最好方法。Home sales provide a useful way of gauging the overall state of the economy.住宅销量是衡量总体经济状况的一个很好的尺度。Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers.奥尔教授发明了用现有实验室激光设备给化学分子做记号的种种有趣的办法。Looking at her watch was her indirect way of telling him it was time to leave.她看了看表,委婉地提示他该走了。We continue to examine new ways of doing business.我们继续探索做生意的新方法。Her dreams had a way of blending into her waking thoughts.她的梦渐渐变成了清醒的想法。His parents offered him little in the way of emotional support. 他的父母在情感上几乎没有关心过他。You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so on.保持身体健康有多种办法,包括注意饮食、做运动、有良好的生活习惯、不抽烟等等。Bosses have a way of always finding out about such things.老板总喜欢把这类事情搞清楚。We're witnessing the gradual disappearance of an old way of life.我们正在目睹旧生活方式的逐渐消失。A bike's a very convenient way of getting around.骑自行车四处走动很方便。Prison governors met today to discuss ways of preventing similar breakouts in the future.监狱长今天聚在一起讨论如何防止今后再发生类似的越狱事件。Fast walking is a good way of staying fit.快步行走是保持体形的一种好办法。Isn't there any way of getting round these regulations?就没有办法避开这些法规吗?They are dropping out and trying to find new ways of living.他们在逃避社会现实并试图找到新的生活方式。He's very young and still has a lot to learn about the ways of the world.他非常年轻,还有很多人情世故要学。I admire her forthright way of dealing with people.我钦佩她待人率直。The best way of preparing the nuts is to rehydrate them by soaking overnight.做这些坚果的最好方法就是用水浸泡一个晚上,为其补充水分。There may be an easier way of solving the problem.这个问题可能会有更容易的解决方法。Suddenly she lit upon a new way of approaching the problem.她突然想出一个解决问题的新方法。The new measures were seen by many as an attack on the Scottish way of life.许多人认为新措施是对苏格兰生活方式的冲击。He sent me some flowers by way of an apology.他送一些花给我,表示道歉。The currency has lost so much of its value that barter has become the preferred way of doing business.货币贬值如此严重,这样易货交易成了做生意的优先选择。Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas.头脑风暴是催生新点子的好办法。I think you've been too long in Cornwall. You've forgotten the ways of the city.我认为你们在康沃尔呆的太久了,已经忘记了城市的生活方式。Geography played a big part in shaping those opposite ways of thinking.地理环境在形成那些对立的思想方法上起了重要作用。Mr Gordon now feels forced into an ever more conformist way of running his practice.现在,戈登先生觉得被迫以一种更为守旧的方式经营自己的业务。I'll soon get into the way of things.我不久就会学会处理事务的方法。Oxford's one-to-one tutorials are an effective but also costly way of teaching.牛津大学一对一的个别指导课是一种行之有效但费用很高的教学方式。Luis was gone, and she had no way of ever finding him again.路易斯走了,她从此再也找不到他了。It was his way of expressing his creativity.这是他自己表达创造力的方式。




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