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例句 Her study was not in any way intended to prejudice the future development of the college.她的研究绝对无意损害这所大学未来的发展。They were not counting on getting a flat tire on the way to the restaurant.他们没想到在去饭馆的路上车胎瘪了。We had to keep our eyes on the sandy path to avoid the roots and rocks in the way.我们只得很小心地看着沙石路走,免得踩到路上的根茎和石块。I can see why/how you would feel that way.我能理解你为什么/怎么会有那样的感受。They want me to dress in a more professional way.他们要我穿着更职业化一些。Some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck.的确有人设法抓住铁梯爬上了顶层甲板,脱离了危险。How can you bear to see him again after the way he's treated you?他那样对待你,你怎么还能再去见他?If you're ever down our way again, do drop in.你若是再来我们这一带,一定过来玩玩。She rug-ranked her way up out of the secretarial classifications.她按地毯等级工资制步步晋升,最后不再当秘书了。Practising safe sex is an important way of avoiding HIV infection.安全性行为是避免感染艾滋病的重要方式。You see? There you go. That's why I didn't mention it earlier. I knew you'd take it the wrong way.你看,我说的没错吧?这就是为什么我早没提。我就知道你会误解。A bicycle is often the best way to get around in the city.自行车常常是在市内出行的最佳方式。I refuse to act that way when my kids fight.我的孩子们打起来时,我是不会那么做的。She feels the same way, I expect.我想,她也有同样的感受。They need a more cost-effective way to store data.他们需要一种更划算的方式来储存数据。Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered in this way.为帮助经历了这种痛苦的病人重新适应社会,人们付出了不少努力。I'm slightly worried that she'll get lost on the way.我有点担心她会迷路。I groped my way across the room.我摸索着穿过房间。The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.天花板上的钩子断了,灯落下来砸到桌子上燃起了火。Can we stop at the supermarket along the way?路上我们能在超市停一下吗?Let me walk with you—I'm going your way.咱俩一起走吧,我和你同路。I have nothing but admiration for the way she tackled those bullies.她对付那些恃强凌弱者的方法令我叹服。It's a sin the way she spends money.她那样花钱是一种罪过。In a way this confirmed my suspicions.这在某种程度上加重了我的怀疑。Maybe the only way to get him off my back is to tell him the truth.也许,要他不来烦我,唯一的办法就是告诉他实话。The only way to purge the economy of this new burst of inflation is a short, sharp recession.要消除新爆发的这次通货膨胀,唯一的方法是让经济短期内急剧衰退。The potato salad was flavored with onions, the way Mattie liked it.这种马铃薯沙拉有洋葱味,这是玛蒂喜欢的口味。Let's keep out of her way while she's in such a bad mood.她心情不好,我们不要打扰她。I like the way she writes, although I'm not interested in her subject matter.虽然我对她写的内容不感兴趣,但我喜欢她的文风。This agreement will clear the way for further talks.这个协议将为进一步会谈铺平道路。A tropical storm could be heading your way.热带风暴可能会朝你们那边刮。She has slogged her way through ballet classes since the age of six.她从六岁开始就一直苦学芭蕾。Give way to traffic coming from the left.让从左边来的车先行。Are you sure there isn't any way of solving this problem?你肯定这问题没有任何解决办法了?Reductionism as a way of understanding food or drugs can lead to problems.这是一种理解食品和药物可能有害的简单办法。What a disgraceful way to behave!那种行为多么丢脸!They rowed the boat all the way across the lake.他们一直把船划到了湖对岸。I chose a different way of collecting data.我选择了一种不同的收集数据的方法。On your own head be it, if she takes this the wrong way.如果她会错了意,你后果自负。The novel describes the way of life of the ordinary people there.这部小说描写那里的普通人的生活方式。




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