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词汇 wavered
例句 She wavered between staying single and accepting his proposal.她犹豫不决,不知是继续做单身女郎好,还是接受他的求婚好。The kite wavered in the wind.风筝在风中摇曳。He never wavered in his determination to become a doctor.他想当医生的决心从未动摇过。Her smile suddenly wavered and disappeared.她的笑容突然收敛了。Some military commanders wavered over whether to support the coup.军队的一些指挥官在犹豫是否支持政变。The battle line wavered and broke.战线动摇并崩溃了。Maya wavered between accepting and refusing his offer.马娅举棋不定,不知道是接受还是拒绝他的提议好。Coleman has never wavered in his claim that he is innocent.科尔曼坚称他是无辜的。His voice wavered and he stumbled over the words.他声音颤抖,说话结结巴巴。The palm trees wavered in the wind.棕榈树在风中摇曳。The general's loyalty to the king never wavered.将军对国王的忠心从未动摇过。This time his voice wavered badly.这次他声音颤得厉害。She wavered over the decision for hours.她对这一决定犹豫了好几个小时。Her love for him never wavered.她对他的爱从没有动摇过。The party wavered between free trade and protectionism.该党在自由贸易和保护主义之间摇摆不定。The maples wavered in the wind.枫树在风中摇曳。He has wavered irresolutely from one opinion to another.他在几个意见中摇摆不定。The candle flame wavered, throwing shadows on the wall.烛光摇摇曳曳,在墙上投下影子。The shadows of the dancers wavered continually.舞者的身影在轻轻晃动着。Her voice wavered as she told us about their argument.她给我们讲述他们吵架过程的时候,声音都颤抖了。Her love for him has never wavered.她对他的爱从来没有动摇过。They never wavered in their support for their leader.他们对其领袖的支持从未动摇过。Barbara's boss wavered in his confidence in her.芭芭拉的上司对她的信心发生动摇了。The flame of the candle wavered.蜡烛的火焰摇曳了一下。He wavered between accepting and refusing.他犹豫不决,不知是接受好,还是拒绝好。




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