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词汇 wasting
例句 His companions brought pressure to bear on him, urging him to stop wasting money.他的伙伴们给他施加压力,劝他不要再浪费钱。Do you get your jollies from wasting money on things you don't need?你在自己并不需要的东西上面浪费钱,真的觉得痛快吗?He begged her to go with him, but she told him he was wasting his breath.他恳求她与他一起去,但是她叫他不要白费口舌。Future generations will not thank us for wasting resources.如果浪费了资源,子孙后代会怪我们的。Don't try to reason with Paul – you're wasting your breath.不要跟保罗讲理了 — 你是白费唇舌。You get thinner every time I see you, Sara - you're wasting away!我每次见你你都比以前瘦了,萨拉——你真是越来越瘦弱了!You' re wasting your time asking him.问他你就是在浪费时间。His resources were rapidly wasting.他的财力正在很快消耗。 We used to grumble that we were wasting time learning a dead language.我们过去常常抱怨自己是在浪费时间学一门死语言。The referee rightly booked Thomas for time-wasting. 裁判员判托马斯浪费时间,这个决定是正确的。I wish you'd stop wasting time in idle chatter.我希望你别再浪费时间瞎絮叨了。This man doesn't believe in wasting time – yours or his.这个人不赞成浪费时间,不论是你的或是他的。You're wasting your time trying to start that car. The battery's completely flat.你要启动那辆车是浪费时间,电池一点电也没有了。The team was penalized for wasting time.该队因拖延时间而受到处罚。The US is hardly in a position to criticize other countries for wasting energy supplies.美国并无权指责其他国家浪费能源。Peter announced that he had no intention of wasting his time at any university.彼得宣称他无意在任何一所大学浪费时间。We're wasting precious time.我们在浪费宝贵的时间。Honestly, you're wasting your breath - he doesn't want to hear what anyone else has got to say.说实话,你在白费唇舌——他不想听其他任何人的意见。He could always do something useful instead of wasting my time with footling queries.他总还可以找些有益的事情来做,而不是拿些愚蠢的问题来浪费我的时间。She's a good writer but she's wasting her talent. 她是名出色的作家,但她却在浪费自己的才华。She felt doubly guilty, embarrassing him and wasting money.她既让他难堪,又浪费了钱,因此倍感愧疚。The newspaper rapped the state government over the knuckles for wasting public money.报纸谴责州政府浪费公众的钱财。The military establishment is wasting.军界力量在逐渐缩小。You're wasting your time with him and you'll live to regret it.你和他在一起是在浪费时间,总有一天你会后悔的。The group says it wants politicians to stop wasting public money on what it believes are frivolous projects.这个团体表示希望从政者不要再把公帑浪费在一些它认为无关痛痒的项目上。The tone of her voice told him he was wasting his breath.她的语气使他明白他是在白费口舌。I don't like wasting money.我不喜欢乱花钱。The old man's strength was wasting away.老人的体力正在衰退。The airline is a wasting asset.这家航空公司是个亏本企业。Am I wasting my time here, or what?我是在这儿浪费时间吗,是不是啊?Stop wasting time. We have to finish this today.别浪费时间了,我们今天必须完成这事。I think he's just wasting my time.我认为他纯粹是在浪费我的时间。He is deaf to advice. You're just wasting your breath.别人的劝告他全听不进去,你这是徒费唇舌。In this way you preclude other applicants who would be wasting your time and theirs.这样一来,你就把其他会浪费你和他们时间的申请者排除在外了。I felt very smug about not wasting paper.我对于不浪费纸张很得意。The idea that national identity will be lost as a result of European integration is just a straw man which he is wasting his time fighting.欧洲一体化会导致民族身份的丧失,这只是他浪费时间进行驳斥的一个假想论点。At this point, it suddenly struck me that I was wasting my time.在这一刻,我突然意识到自己是在浪费时间。It suddenly struck me that I was wasting my time.我突然意识到自己在浪费时间。You're just wasting your breath. She never listens.你只是在白费口舌,她从来不听别人的话。Stop wasting time and get to work!别再浪费时间了,赶紧干活吧!




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