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词汇 warmer
例句 They traveled south in search of warmer climes.他们向南去寻找更温暖的气候区。We are postponing our trip until the weather grows warmer.我们拟把旅行推迟到天气暖和一些的时候。The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will support.一般而言,一个地方越暖和,能生存的动植物种类也就越多。He moved his family to a warmer state for the sake of his wife's health.为了妻子的健康,他把家搬到一个更暖和的州。The weather was perceptibly warmer.天气明显暖和多了。Everywhere, even in the Antarctic, there are signs that the Earth is getting warmer.各个地方,甚至在南极地区,都有地球变暖的迹象。When we retire, we're going to move to a warmer climate.我们打算退休后搬到气候比较暖和的地方去。The fog gradually dispersed as the day grew warmer.随着气温逐渐上升,雾渐渐散开了。The geese will overwinter in a warmer climate.雁在气候较温暖的地方过冬。The weather's much warmer down south.南方的天气暖和得多。Next time I go skiing, I'll wear warmer clothes.下一次去滑雪的时候,我要穿得暖和一点。Birds migrate so that they can winter in a warmer country.鸟类定期迁徙,这样它们就可以在更暖和的地方过冬。If present trends continue, the earth will be considerably warmer in fifty years.如果目前的趋势继续下去的话,五十年后地球的气温将大大上升。The rocks get warmer in the sun and the lizards come out to lie on them.岩石被太阳晒得暖和了,一条条蜥蜴爬出来躺在上面。He fought off the cold by wearing warmer clothes.他衣服穿得暖和了些,以此治愈感冒。You're getting warmer! You're getting hot! Oh, now you're getting colder!你正在接近目标!就快到了!噢,现在你走偏了!Mrs Hastings' eyes grow warmer and more appreciative with my every word.我讲的每句话让黑斯廷斯夫人的眼神变得越来越热情,越来越充满欣赏。The weather's getting warmer, but the mornings are still nippy.天气越来越暖和,但早晨还有点冷。Although we still depict nostalgic snow scenes on Christmas cards, winters are now very much warmer.虽然我们仍在圣诞卡上描绘着具有怀旧气氛的雪景,但现在的冬天比过去暖和多了。Although a warmer climate may sound appealing, the effects of the heat can be difficult to cope with.虽然气候变暖可能听起来很动人,但热效应会很难应付。The dog sheds its winter coat once the weather becomes warmer.这条狗天一变暖就会蜕掉过冬的毛。Living in warmer climates has many built-in advantages.生活在比较温暖的气候里有许多固有的好处。Their house was noticeably warmer than ours.他们的房子明显比我们的暖和。The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support.一般而言,一个地方越暖和,能生存的动植物种类通常也就越多。You'd be much warmer in your black jacket.你穿上那件黑色的夹克会暖和很多。Telemann's style is warmer, lighter and less cerebral than Bach's.泰勒曼的风格更为热烈轻松,比巴赫的风格少了些理性。Since it's getting warmer this time of year, I want something lightweight.到了一年的这时候天气已渐渐暖和,我需要几件薄型衣服。The days are warmer, but the nights are very cold.白天比较暖和,而夜晚极冷。Many northern Europeans spend their holidays in warmer climates.许多北欧人都到气候较暖和的地区去度假。The climate is gradually becoming drier and warmer.气候逐渐变得干燥暖和了。The weather turned warmer with the approach of spring.随着春天的来临,天气变得更暖和了。The weather was becoming warmer.天气逐渐变暖。The north pole is warmer than the south and the circulation of air around it is less well contained.北极比南极温度高,周围的空气流动也更为顺畅。The days are drawing out as it's getting warmer.随著天转暖,白天也变长了。When she heard my accent, she adopted a warmer tone.她听出了我的口音,说话便热情起来。These plants grow well in warmer climates.这些植物在更暖和的气候环境下会长得很好。I'm looking forward to some warmer weather.我盼望着天气稍为暖和些。We had better take advantage of the warmer weather by going for a walk this afternoon.我们最好乘着天气比较暖和,今天下午出去散散步。It was warmer now, and the snow was beginning to melt.现在天气暖和了,雪也开始融化了。Just before the breeding season, these birds radiate outwards to warmer climates.每当繁殖季节即将来临,这些鸟飞向四面八方,迁徙到气候较温暖的地带。




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