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词汇 wallet
例句 I slid the wallet into his pocket.我把钱包麻利地塞进了他的口袋。At Brussels airport he fell victim to pickpockets who pinched his wallet.在布鲁塞尔机场,他被扒手盯上,偷走了钱包。He had a wallet full of plastic cards.他钱包里塞满了银行卡。He opened his wallet with a flourish and took out a handful of notes.他夸张地打开皮夹,拿出一把钞票。He was robbed of his wallet.他的钱包被抢了。A wallet has been found and can be re-claimed at the manager's office.钱包已被找到并可在经理室认领。Bloody hell! I've lost my wallet.该死!我的钱包丢了。I don't have my wallet with me.我身上没带钱包。Pickpockets pinched his wallet in the city centre.扒手在市中心偷走了他的钱包。In his mad dash to the store, he forgot his wallet.他只顾朝商店狂奔,忘了带钱包。A wallet full of greenbacks was found on the train.火车上发现有一个装满美钞的钱包。They threatened to beat me up if I didn't give them my wallet.他们威胁说,如果我不把钱包给他们就要狠狠揍我一顿。I didn't miss my wallet till it came to paying the bill.直到付账时我才发现钱包没了。He discovered his wallet had been taken by some light-fingered thief.他发现自己的钱包被某个老道的窃贼偷走了。The thief must have had an attack of conscience, because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it.这个小偷一定是突然良心发现,因为他把钱包又原封不动地还了回来。He got halfway along the road, then remembered he had left his wallet behind.他走到半路才想起钱包忘带了。Peter took out his wallet and showed his ID to the man.彼得掏出钱包向那人出示他的身份证件。Perhaps I left my wallet in my other jacket pocket.也许我把钱包放在另一件夹克衫的口袋里了。The gang rushed him and took his watch and wallet.那帮歹徒向他冲过来并抢走了他的手表和钱包。Someone rifled his wallet and took his money.有人翻过他的钱包,把他的钱拿走了。I looked through my wallet for last month's wage slip.我在皮夹里翻找上个月的工资单。This really isn't my day - my wallet was stolen and now I've lost my car keys.今天我可真够倒霉的——先是钱包被偷,现在车钥匙又丢了。He didn't miss his wallet until he was on the plane.他直到上了飞机才发现丢了钱包。The robbers spiked his drink before taking his wallet and passport.劫匪在他的饮料里加了烈酒,然后才拿走他的钱包和护照。My wallet's gone! I've been robbed!我的钱包没了!我被偷了!The thief kicked back the wallet but kept the money.那个窃贼退回了钱包,但把钱拿走了。A full wallet splatted to the sand.鼓囊囊的一个钱包啪嗒一声落在沙上。He didn't miss his wallet until the waiter brought the bill.直到服务员拿来账单,他才发觉丢了钱包。She reached her hand into her purse to get her wallet.她将手伸进手提包去掏钱包。He took a credit card out of his wallet.他从钱包里拿出一张信用卡。The muggers stole his mobile and wallet in full view of a crowd of shoppers.那些行凶抢劫者就在购物者的众目睽睽之下抢走了他的手机和钱包。The police opened the package and found not a bomb, but a wallet meant to be someone's gift.警方打开包裹,看到的不是炸弹而是一个皮夹子,该是某人的礼物。He searched his room for his wallet.他在房间里翻找他的钱包。He left his wallet at the restaurant.他把钱包落在餐馆里了。Did I put my wallet in your bag?我是不是把钱夹放到你包里了?She watched greedily while he went through his wallet.她贪婪地看着他翻钱包。The boy made a sudden lunge for his wallet.那个男孩突然冲过来抢他的钱夹。A mugger stunned him with a brick and stole his wallet.抢劫犯用一块砖头将他打昏,偷走了他的钱包。I took out my wallet but there was no money in it.我拿出钱包,发现一分钱都没有。He uses a money clip instead of a wallet.他用钱夹,不用钱包。




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