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词汇 beds
例句 Try not to walk on the flower beds when weeding or hoeing.拔草和锄地时尽量不要踩到花坛。Thousands of patients are being left to languish in hospital beds.数千病人被丢在医院病床上慢慢等死。According to early reports, many people were burnt to death in their beds.根据早期的报告,许多人被烧死在床上。Reed beds filter out much of the pollution.长有芦苇的河床过滤掉许多污染物。Litter in the pigsty beds down if it is not raked.铺在猪圈里的草如不耙松就会粘结成层。Many patients who are occupying hospital beds could be transferred to other places.许多占用医院病床的病人可以被转到其他地方去。Please strip the beds and put the sheets in the washing machine.请把床上的褥单换下来放到洗衣机里。She changed the sheets on all the beds.她给所有的床铺都换了床单。The path wound through the orchard and between small beds of flowers.这条小路在果园中和小花床之间蜿蜒。Air France first-class seats recline almost like beds.法国航空公司头等舱的坐椅可以调低成几乎像床一样。ICU beds are a very expensive and limited resource.加护病房的床位昂贵而且数量很少。The children were snug in their beds.孩子们在床上十分舒服。The birds build their nests in reed beds along the river bank.鸟儿把巢筑在沿河的芦苇丛里。They will be expected to make their own beds.将要求他们铺自己的床。Hospitals always seem so impersonal - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.医院看上去总是很没有人情味——灰暗的房间中都是一排排一模一样的病床。She mulched the flower beds.她给花坛铺上一层护根物。I had visions of cold showers and hard beds, but in fact the place was pretty comfortable.我想象中是冷水淋浴和硬邦邦的床,但实际上这个地方非常舒适。The lettuce beds are surrounded by a deep ditch.莴苣园有深沟环绕着。The mess tent was lined with collapsible tables and benches rather than beds.用餐篷里排放着的是可折叠桌凳,不是床。The children were snuggled cozily in their beds.孩子们舒适地蜷在床上。Prisoners were kept in cells with no beds and no running water.囚犯被关押在没有床也没有自来水的小囚室内。There is a screen between the two beds.两张床之间有一道帘子。The hospital needs to keep some beds free for emergencies.医院必须空出一些床位以备急诊之用。The hospital has no vacant beds.这家医院没有空床位。She hurried upstairs and quickly made the beds.她匆忙上楼,飞快地整理了床铺。They slept in separate beds.他们分床睡的。The soldiers were rousted from their beds before sunrise.天还没亮,士兵们就被赶着起了床。The twins sleep in bunk beds.这对双胞胎睡双层床。One of the beds had obviously been slept in.其中一张床明显有人睡过。All hospital beds should be allocated on the basis of need.所有医院床位都应该按需分配。My mother always airs the sheets before she makes the beds.我妈妈在铺床之前总是先把床单烘干。On any given day in the Houston area, half the hospital beds are empty.在休斯敦地区,医院的床位每天都有一半是空的。Strip the beds and wash the sheets.把床单撤下来洗洗。Extra beds can be brought into use at times of peak demand.在需求最旺的时期可以使用加床。Anne made the beds and tidied up the nursery.安妮把床铺都整理好,然后把幼儿室收拾停当。The lawn was interspersed with beds of flowers.草地上点缀着一座座花坛。She lets us do anything, even bounce on our beds.她放任我们随心所欲,甚至连我们在床上蹦跳她也不管。The flower beds were a blaze of colour.花坛都是五彩缤纷。The flower beds were overrun with grasses.花坛里杂草横生。I slept in the bottom bunk of a set of bunk beds.我睡在一张双层床的下铺。




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