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词汇 wall
例句 Every wall in her bedroom was covered with pin-ups of her favourite pop star.她卧室里的墙上挂满了她最喜欢的流行歌星的图片。A large American flag is nailed to the wall above the bed.床头的墙上钉了一面很大的美国国旗。The paper was peeling from the wall.纸在从墙上剥落。He complained that the company was being driven to the wall by the workers' demands for higher wages.他抱怨说工人们提出增加薪资的要求把公司逼入了绝境。She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it.她把自行车斜靠在石墙上,踮起脚往墙内张望。He pinned her against the wall.他把她按在墙上使她动弹不得。She has an off-the-wall sense of humor.她有一种不同寻常的幽默感。She projected the slide onto the wall.她将幻灯片投射到墙上。We scratched the paint off the wall.我们刮掉了墙上的油漆。During the World Cup, there is wall-to-wall soccer coverage on TV.世界杯期间,电视上有关足球的报道铺天盖地。We'd been in the house a month when dark stains started appearing on the wall.墙上开始出现一些深色的斑迹时,我们在这幢房子里已经住了一个月。Boxes of books were ranged against the wall.成箱的书靠墙排列着。The vehicle skidded across the road before coming to rest against a wall.汽车滑过马路后撞到墙停了下来。The wall shelters the garden from the north wind.这堵墙给花园挡住了北风。The hands of the clock on the wall moved with a slight click.墙上时钟的指针移动时发出轻轻的咔嗒声。The nail was sunk all the way into the wall.钉子被死死钉入了墙里。There was a speaking portrait of her mother on the wall.墙上挂着一幅她母亲的栩栩如生的画像。The fireplace flamed the opposite wall.炉火照亮了对面的墙壁。He smashed into the wall.他猛地撞到了墙上。Helen lay on her side in the bed, her face to the wall.海伦侧身躺在床上,脸对着墙。He braced his back against the wall.他后背紧靠在墙上。The vines have overgrown the wall.墙上爬满了藤蔓。The police formed a human wall around him.警方在他身边围起了一道人墙。Despite its prevalence, schizophrenia has existed behind a wall of secrecy for years.尽管精神分裂症患者为数众多,但多年来这种病一直被捂着掩着。A splatter of blood ran down the wall.溅出的一股血沿着墙流下来。He dabbed some paint on the wall.他往墙上刷了点儿涂料。He set the cases against a wall and sat on them.他把箱子靠墙放好,然后坐在上面。The back wall was covered with row upon row of files.一叠叠堆得高高的文件把后墙都遮住了。He tried to get close to her under the pretence of examining the pictures on the wall.他借口仔细看墙上的画,试图接近她。She stuck a notice up on the wall.她把通知贴在了墙上。The carpenter measured the wall while one of his helpers brought in the tools.木工测量墙体时,他的一个助手拿来了工具。Kay was leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette.凯靠在墙上抽烟。Pelham moved across to indicate a wall chart.佩勒姆走过去指着一张挂图。There was a calendar on the wall, with large squares around the dates.墙上有一幅日历,每个日期都用大方框框着。A large photograph of the children had pride of place on the sitting room wall.起居室墙上最显眼的位置挂着一张孩子们的大照片。I felt a sudden urge to smash the teapot against the wall.我突然有种很想把茶壶摔到墙上的冲动。A wall divides our garden from theirs.一道墙把我们的花园和他们的隔开。Hidden under vines and moss, the crumbling wall was almost indiscernible.在藤蔓和苔藓的遮掩下,几乎看不到那堵危墙。We could hang this picture on the wall next to the door.我们可以把这幅画挂在门旁边的墙上。The nail went clean through the wall.钉子穿透了墙壁。




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