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词汇 walk on
例句 You're not supposed to walk on the grass.你不该践踏草坪。She walked on without a backward glance.她没回头看,继续往前走。They'd been for a walk on the common.他们到广场散步去了。Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to walk on the moon.尼尔‧阿姆斯壮是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。The audience cheered the movie star as she walked on stage.电影明星走上舞台时观众向她欢呼。He walked on a technicality.根据诉讼程序上的一个细则,他被无罪释放。Vibration from the traffic makes the dishes walk on the shelves.来往车辆引起的振动使架上的盘子自行移动。His pace quickened as he walked on through the forest.穿越森林的时候他加快了步伐。One Sunday he began trying to teach the two puppies to walk on a leash.一个星期天,他开始尝试训练两只小狗系上皮带走路。We went for a walk on the common.我们去公地散步。He walked on without even stopping to say hello.他连停下来打个招呼都没有,直往前走。Don't walk on the concrete until it has set.混凝土还没凝固之前别在上面走。He had the distinction of being the first man to walk on the moon.他以在月球上第一个行走而闻名于世。This wet ground is not firm enough to walk on.这块湿地不够坚实,不能在上面走。He walked on the opposite side of the street to refresh his memory of the building.他走在街对面,想回忆起自己对那栋建筑的印象。You're not allowed to walk on the grass.请勿踩踏草坪。I never knew anyone who could walk on his head.我从未听说过有人能倒立着走路。Someone walked on the concrete before it was dry.有人在混凝土还没干的时候就在上面走。The oil made the ground slippery and treacherous to walk on.油使地面打滑,走在上面很危险。We walked on through the pouring rain until a kind driver took pity on us and offered us a ride.我们冒着倾盆大雨继续赶路,后来有个好心的司机同情我们,送了我们一程。How strange that something so simple as a walk on the beach could suddenly mean so much.诸如在沙滩散步这样的小事会突然变得如此重要,真是令人感到不可思议。What he did walked on her feelings.他的所作所为伤害了她的感情。They walked on in bad-tempered silence.他们怒气冲冲,一言不发地向前走。You walk on ahead. I shall soon catch you up.你在前面先走,我很快就会赶上你。Slabs of concrete had been used to build a pathway for people to walk on.大块的水泥板用于铺设人行道。The concrete will take several hours to set, so make sure no one walks on it.混凝土需要几个小时凝固,所以不要让人在上面走。It was a bad sign that he couldn't walk on the injured leg.他的伤腿无法行走,这是个不好的兆头。The first walk on the moon was quite an accomplishment.第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就。He walked on tiptoe to avoid waking the children.他踮着脚尖走,以免吵醒孩子们。Let's clean up the broken glass immediately before someone walks on it.让我们趁人还没踩上赶紧把这些碎玻璃清除干净。Try not to walk on the flower beds when weeding or hoeing.拔草和锄地时尽量不要踩到花坛。He was very careful and walked on tiptoe.他小心翼翼,踮起脚尖走路。After the orchestra had tuned up, the conductor walked on to the stage.管弦乐队调试好音准之后,指挥走上了台。She is very touchy, so you have to walk on eggshells around her.她非常敏感,因此你在她身边要小心行事。Since apes walk on all fours, they have long, extremely burly arms.猿行走时四肢并用,因此前肢很长,并且极其结实。He just walked on in the last act in this play.他只是在这部戏的最后一幕跑龙套。If you walk on a little, you can see the coast.再往前走一点,你就会看见海岸了。We always go for a long walk on Christmas morning - it's a family tradition.圣诞节早晨我们总会去长距离散步,这是家庭传统。She walks on the elliptical trainer for two hours every day to stay fit.她每天在滑步机走上两个小时以保持身材。The floor of the platform might give if too many people walk on it.如果太多的人站在舞台上,舞台的地板就会塌下来。




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