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词汇 梯子
例句 She held the ladder steady while he climbed up it.她稳稳地扶着梯子,好让他往上爬。I don't trust that ladder. 我认为那个梯子不安全。Several of the ladder's rungs were broken.这架梯子有好几根横档断了。He overcame his fear of heights and climbed the ladder.他克服恐高症,登上了梯子Make sure the ladder is firm before you start to climb.在开始爬以前,一定要先把梯子摆稳了。Double-check that the ladder is secure.仔细检查,确保梯子安全可靠。If you have to climb up, use a firm platform or a sturdy ladder.如果非要爬上去,就踩在一个稳固的台子上或者找把结实的梯子A fireman climbed the ladder.一名消防员爬上梯子I was standing lower down the ladder.我正站在梯子下端。Two men were on the bridge-deck, steadying a ladder.两名男子在舰桥甲板上扶着一架梯子不让它摇晃。He was changing a light bulb when the ladder gave way.他在换灯泡时脚下的梯子塌倒了。The boy ascended the ladder.这男孩爬上了梯子Please ask someone to hold the ladder.请叫人扶住梯子He was up a ladder sawing off a branch.他正站在梯子顶上锯一根树枝。Wait until we've braced the ladder.等我们把梯子支撑住再说。I was scared to death when I felt the ladder start to go.我感觉到梯子要倒时,吓得要死。My son broke a rib when he fell off a ladder.我儿子从梯子上摔了下来,摔断了一根肋骨。Does this ladder extend?这架梯子能拉长吗?He was halfway up the ladder.他正爬到梯子一半。May we have the loan of your ladder?我们可以借用一下你的梯子吗? The inspector shinned up the ladder.巡视员登上了梯子The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder.他早先抹好的顶棚塌了,把他从梯子上砸了下来。He stood the ladder against the wall.他把梯子靠墙放著。The ladder won't quite reach the top of the wall.这架梯子够不着墙头。The loft ladder is easily installed.阁楼的梯子很容易就安装好了。She stood the ladder against the house.她把梯子竖直靠墙放着。Are you sure he's safe on that ladder? It looks very precarious up there.你说他在那梯子上安全吗?站在那里看起来非常危险。Let's walk this heavy ladder to the other end of the room.让我们把这架笨重的梯子挪到房间的那一头去。It's unlucky to walk under ladders.梯子下面走过是不吉利的。We put up the ladder against the wall.我们把梯子靠墙支起来。He gave his elbow a wrench when he fell off the ladder.他从梯子上摔下时扭伤了手肘。There was a ladder propped up against the wall.有一把梯子靠在墙边。This ladder is made of rope.这架梯子是用绳索做的。The ladder metaphor works in several ways.梯子的隐喻有几重含义。Watch it! You nearly knocked my head off with that ladder.当心!你那把梯子差点砸掉我的头。The eighth rung of the ladder was missing altogether.梯子的第八蹬横木完全不见了。He leaned the ladder against the house.他把梯子斜靠在房子上。The stool/ladder is unsteady.这凳子/梯子不稳固。The doctor's assistant was up a ladder in the stockroom.医生的助手正在储藏室的梯子上。This ladder is unsafe; please come down.这个梯子不安全,请下来。




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