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词汇 walk in
例句 They went for a walk in the fields.他们在原野里漫步。We walked in a leisurely manner, looking in all the windows.我们慢悠悠地走著,看遍所有的橱窗。With an apt, proprietorial gravity, he walked in and surveyed the saloon.他带着适合老板身份的庄严神态走进酒馆视察。There was a group of lads at the bar, eyeing up every girl who walked in.酒吧里有一群小伙子,色迷迷地打量着走进来的每一个女孩。The lines "She walks in beauty, like the night..." from Byron's poem contain a simile.拜伦的诗句“她在美中徜徉,如同…的夜晚”中含有一个明喻。There were flecks of mud on my trousers after the walk in the woods.我在树林里散步后裤子上留下了泥土斑。Ellie walked in front, carrying the baby.埃莉抱着婴儿走在前面。Everything stops the moment she walks in the room.她一走进房间,一切就都停下来了。The office party was going like a bomb when she walked in.她走进来时办公室聚会正开得热火朝天。It was a real surprise when Tony walked in. We thought he was still in America.真是意想不到托尼走了进来,我们都以为他还在美国呢。The hikers were drooping by the end of their walk in the hot sun.徒步旅行者在烈日下走到最后都精疲力竭了。Just then he walked in.就在那时,他走了进来。She decided to go for a walk in the forest preserve.她决定去森林保护区散散步。My uncle was a terrible miser - he would walk in lashing rain rather than pay a bus fare.我叔叔是个吝啬得要命的人一下着倾盆大雨他还宁愿走路而不肯花钱乘公共汽车。The couple leapt apart when she walked in on them and later came downstairs looking sheepish.她走进屋时撞见这对情侣,搞得两人赶紧分开,后来又面带窘色地走下楼来。She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened.她泰然自若地走进来,好像什么事也没发生过。I was in Vienna sitting quietly in a café when, lo and behold, my cousin walked in.我静静地坐在维也纳一间咖啡馆里喝着咖啡,真没想到,我的表弟走了进来。She walked in with a big boozy grin on her face.她醉醺醺地咧嘴笑着走进来。Peter walked in the room and her heart quickened.彼得走进了房间,她的心跳加快了。He was cool enough to walk in and help himself to a piece of cake.他走进来自顾自地吃了一块蛋糕,真是够冒失的。Many of our customers walk in off the street without having heard of us before.我们很多顾客都是从街上走进来的,之前并没有听说过我们的店。He broke off abruptly when Jo walked in.乔走进来时,他突然停住不说了。They just walked in and took all my money.他们就这么走进来把我的钱全拿走了。When we got back from our walk in the snow, my whole body was glowing.我们在雪中散步回来,我全身上下都热乎乎的。She walked in on me when I was getting undressed.她进屋正好撞见我在脱衣服。It is abnormal for a man to walk in his sleep.梦游是不正常的。I had to walk in frozen ruts in the snow.我只得沿着雪地中冰冻的车辙前行。She walked in the hills, letting her thoughts take wing.她走在山间,任思绪自由飞扬。The colours in the room screamed as I walked in.我一进去就感到房间色调刺眼。A drunk man walked in, repulsive both in appearance and odour.一个醉汉走了进来,模样可憎,酒气难闻。I walked in the house in my muddy football boots.我穿着沾满烂泥的足球靴在屋子里走来走去。A walk in the fresh air soon conjured her headache away.在新鲜空气中散步奇迹般地消除了她的头痛。This gorgeous woman walked in, beautifully dressed and obviously stinking rich.这个漂亮女人走了进来,衣着华美,显然富得冒油。At that precise moment in time, Binh walked in.恰好就在那个时候,宾走了进来。I used to take a walk in the quiet grove.过去我常在那安静的小树林里散步。She took a walk in the cool of the evening.趁傍晚凉爽,她出去散了散步。Lynn gave the game away by laughing when Kim walked in.林恩在金走进来的时候笑了出来,泄露了秘密。Being a firefighter is no walk in the park.成为一名消防员绝不是件容易事。I walked in and everyone burst out laughing.我走了进去,所有的人都突然放声大笑起来。At that moment the boss walked in, and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.正在那时老板走了进来,我只希望地上裂条缝让我钻进去。




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