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词汇 wake
例句 You have to wake up now, baby.宝贝儿,得醒醒了。The ship's wake creamed the waves.船驶过的水面上浪沫翻滚。A funeral wake was in progress.正在进行葬礼守灵。The slightest noise will wake him.一丁点儿动静也会吵醒他。In his galumphing way he managed to wake the whole house on his return.他走路步子又笨又重,一回来就把屋里所有人都吵醒了。Babysitting is money for old rope if the children don't wake up.如果小孩不醒,看孩子是很容易赚钱的活儿。We tried to wake him, but to no effect.我们想把他叫醒,但毫无作用。We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.我们得安静点,免得吵醒孩子。You can't wake him up. He's dead to the world.你叫不醒他,他睡得正香呢。Be very quiet, children. We don't want to wake Daddy, do we?安静点,孩子们。我们不想吵醒爸爸,对吗?How long will it be before people wake up to the fact that anyone can catch AIDS.人们到什么时候才能完全意识到任何人都有可能得艾滋病。Another cup of coffee will wake me up.再喝一杯咖啡会使我振奋起来。Please wake me early tomorrow.明天请早点叫醒我。The success of extremist groups in the elections should be a wake-up call to all decent citizens.极端主义团体在选举中获胜应该成为所有正派公民的一个警示。Any minute now she'd wake up to find herself at home safe in bed.她会随时醒来,发现自己躺在家中的床上,平安无事。The dog climbed out of the pool, leaving a trail of water in her wake.那条狗爬出水池,身后留下一串水迹。Can you be quieter, so you don't wake the baby.你们安静点好吗?别把孩子吵醒了。I never remember my dreams when I wake up.我醒来时从来都记不住做过什么梦。We were talking quietly so as not to wake the baby.我们轻声地说着话,以免把宝宝吵醒。Please keep your voice down so as not to wake the children.请小声点儿,别吵醒孩子。Don't hesitate to wake me up if you need anything at all.如果你有任何需要,随时把我叫醒。I banged on the door for several minutes but still couldn't wake them.我使劲敲了好几分钟时间门,但是仍没能叫醒他们。An inquiry has been set up in the wake of the crash.坠机发生后,调查随之展开。Babies are playful and alert when they first wake up.宝宝们刚醒的时候很爱玩,而且反应灵敏。Would she wake to find Gaston sleeping peacefully at her side?她醒来会发现加斯顿安详地睡在她身旁吗?The car left clouds of dust in its wake.汽车开过,后面扬起团团尘土。I asked Miriam to wake me inside of four hours.我让米里亚姆四小时以内叫醒我。The low test scores should serve as a loud wake-up call to teachers.不佳的测验成绩应该给老师们敲响了重重的警钟。The first ring of the phone failed to wake him.第一次电话铃响没有吵醒他。There were obvious signs of the feel-good factor in the last survey taken in the wake of the election result.选举结果公布后的最近一次调查显示,人们普遍对未来持乐观态度。It takes a couple cups of coffee for me to really wake up in the morning.早上喝了几杯咖啡后,我才真正清醒过来。You won't wake him - he's such a heavy sleeper.你不会吵醒他——他睡觉很沉。The first rays of the sun pierced the canopy of leaves above us, and the forest began to wake up.第一缕阳光透过我们头顶茂密的树叶照射下来,森林开始苏醒了。The noise was loud enough to wake the dead.噪声大得足以把死人吵活。Dolphins sometimes play in the wake of the boats.有时海豚在船的尾流中嬉戏。Shh! You'll wake the neighbours.小点儿声!别吵醒邻居。Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks.昨天的炸弹袭击发生之后,机场安检变得格外严格。Some semblance of order had been established in the wake of the riots.暴乱之后,秩序已经初步恢复。When I first wake up in the morning, my eyes are puffy.我早上一醒来,眼睛都是肿的。Infallibly, the baby would wake up.宝宝总是会醒来,从无例外。




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