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词汇 wagging
例句 Past TV deals have seen the tail wagging the dog. Now football clubs feel they are equal partners with TV.以往和电视台的交易中,足球俱乐部就已经有过喧宾夺主的记录。现在,他们更是觉得可以和电视台平起平坐了。What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners.这对伴侣年龄上的差异招来了不少闲话。Thurmond's marriage so soon after his wife died set tongues wagging.瑟蒙德在他妻子去世后没多久就再婚,使得闲话四起。Angela's divorce will certainly set tongues wagging.安杰拉的离婚肯定会招来闲言碎语。The news of their engagement set tongues wagging. = Tongues were wagging over their engagement.人们对他们订婚的消息议论纷纷。There's nothing like a sex scandal involving a randy vicar to set tongues wagging.没有什么能像好色牧师的性丑闻那样引得人们议论纷纷。It is as though instead of a dog wagging its tail the tail should wag the dog.这情况恰似尾巴倒过来摇狗而不是狗摇尾巴了。The dog was biting, growling, and wagging its tail.那条狗一边撕咬一边低声吼叫,还摇着尾巴。Tongues are wagging about Hollywood's newest couple.人们纷纷谈论这对好莱坞的新婚夫妇。He won't hurt you; his tail is wagging.狗不会伤害你的,它在朝你摇尾巴。The dog ran out with its tail wagging madly.狗跑了出来,疯狂地摆着尾巴。




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