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词汇 blow
例句 The blow proved fatal.这是致命的一击。He ducked the blow and came up again.他低头躲开那一击,然后又直起身来。His resignation was a body blow to the team.他的辞职是对该队的沉重打击。The bank may try to soften the blow somewhat with a cut in interest rates.该银行可能会通过降低利率来缓解冲击。The fight ended with a decisive blow.这场打斗以决定性的一击告终。She wanted a blow-by-blow account of what happened.她要得到对所发生事情的详尽叙述。Losing the match against Rumania, dealt a huge blow to the team.比赛输给了罗马尼亚对于这支球队是一个沉重的打击。She heard the bedroom window blow shut.她听见卧室的窗子被风刮上了。We have delivered the enemy a thrashing blow.我们给了敌军以重创。Harrison was laid out for several minutes by a blow to the head.哈里森头上挨了一拳,昏迷了好几分钟。This is a further blow to hopes of peace.这对和平愿景又是一个打击。Their loss would be a grievous blow to our engineering industries.失去它们将会是对我们工程行业的一个沉重打击。He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick.他用手杖对狗狠狠一击。The blow smashed in his ribcage.那一拳打断了他的肋骨。He steeled himself for the blow.他锻炼自己,使能经受得住打击。He was knocked insensible by a sudden blow.他遭人猛然一击而不省人事。It was a blow to the economies of both towns.这对两个城市的经济都是打击。High interest rates have been a knockout blow to the business.高利率对该企业构成了致命打击。He was able to absorb this new blow.他受住了这一新的打击。Stop sniffing and blow your nose.别抽鼻子了,擤一擤鼻涕。He skipped aside to avoid another blow.他跳向一边以躲过另一拳。He struck me a blow across the shoulders.他在我肩膀上捶了一拳。It is bad manners to blow your nose at table.吃饭时擤鼻子是不礼貌的。The summer drought has dealt a heavy blow to the government's economic record.夏季的干旱已经对政府的经济业绩造成了沉重打击。He went off to hospital after a blow to the face.他脸部受到重击之后就去了医院。Don't panic and talk too much in the interview or you'll really blow it.面试时不要慌,而且不要谈得太多,否则你会把事搞砸的。Many farmers claim that they have been driven to desperation by the latest blow to the industry.许多农民称他们被最近该行业遭受的打击逼入了绝境。It would deal a fatal blow to his fading chances of success.这将给他日渐渺茫的成功机会予以毁灭性的一击。He tried to soften the blow by telling her himself.他试图亲口告诉她来减轻对她的打击。They used plastic explosive to blow up the bridge.他们用塑性炸药炸那座桥梁。The car struck him a glancing blow on the forehead.那辆汽车蹭伤了他的前额。A short circuit will blow the fuse.短路会烧断保险丝的。Fate has dealt her a cruel blow.命运给了她沉重的打击。The decision is a hammer blow for the coal industry.这一决定对于煤炭业是一个沉重的打击。The deportations would be a death blow to the peace process.这些驱逐行动将给和平进程带来致命的一击。The gas tank is going to blow any second.油箱随时会爆炸。Garrison has plenty of reasons to blow his own horn - his company has just shown record profits.加里森完全有理由自夸一番,他的公司刚刚创出了利润新纪录。The peace process has suffered a serious blow now.现在和平进程遭到了沉重打击。She has struck a blow for common sense and human decency.她尽量做到通情达理,同时维护自己做人的尊严。Shall we go out for a blow?我们出去散散步怎么样?




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