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词汇 voting
例句 Her voting record is the centerpiece of her campaign.她的票选结果是她竞选活动中最大的亮点。Eligible voters had been removed from the voting rolls.符合条件的投票人被从选民名册上删去了。The voting system is weighted against the smaller parties.这种选举制度对较小的党派不利。The deadline for absentee voting in was Saturday.缺席投票的最后期限是星期六。Many people abstained from voting.许多人投票时弃权。She was elected on the second round of voting.她在第二轮投票中当选。She took a sideswipe at the senator's voting record.她指桑骂槐地对参议员的选举记录进行了批评。The voting public as a whole doesn't care a whoop about the question.选民们总的来说对此问题毫不关心。At this point in the voting, Jones is leading with Smith in second place and Johnson bringing up the rear.选举进行到这个阶段时,琼斯得票最多,史密斯第二,约翰逊殿后。Bizarrely, death is not a disqualification for voting although non-attendance at party meetings is.奇怪的是,死亡不会让人失去投票资格,但是不参加政党会议却会让人失去投票资格。The voting process was smooth and, for the most part, well-run.选举过程很顺利,大部分情况下都组织得井井有条。He angered his constituency by voting against the bill.他投票反对议案,激怒了他的选区选民。The government is considering changing the local voting system.政府正在考虑变革地方选举制度。There were reports that some people had been prevented from voting in the election.有报道称有些人被阻止在选举中投票。Is that the general will, that we keep the present voting arrangements?大家都愿意我们维持目前的投票安排吗?Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party did not work.胁迫人们为执政党投票的企图没有成功。The impact of religion on voting has been analysed far too simplistically.关于宗教对投票的影响分析得太过简单化了。I'm voting the straight Democratic ticket.我只投民主党的票。In the old days of two-party adversarial politics, voting was easy.在过去两党对抗的政治环境中,决定投谁的票并不困难。One senior European election monitor criticized the organization of the voting process.一位欧洲选举高级监督员批评了投票过程的组织工作。They reformed the voting system, and introduced a secret ballot.他们改革了选举制度,引进无记名投票法。Each member of the club has equal voting power.俱乐部每个成员都有平等的投票权。They said they would not be voting for him because he was too left-wing.他们说不会投他的票,因为他思想太左。In tomorrow's election, many young people will be voting for the first time.在明天的选举中,许多年轻人将第一次投票。He was explicit about his intention to overhaul the voting system.他对自己改革投票制度的目的直言不讳。Officials coerced peasants into voting for the government candidates.官员威逼农民投票给政府推荐的候选人。The law was passed with only a few MPs voting against.该法律已获通过,只有数名议员投了反对票。There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power.明显有意图要削弱黑人的选举力量。Sociologists believe that gender differences in voting will gradually disappear.社会学家认为,投票行为的性别差异将逐渐消失。Bizarrely, death is not a disqualification for voting although nonattendance at party meetings is.奇怪的是,人若是死亡不会失去投票资格,但是不参加政党会议的话投票资格就会被取消。The present voting system distorts the wishes of the electorate.现行的选举制度不能体现选民的真实意愿。Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.以前不允许官员监督投票。Further voting might be held over until tomorrow.下一步投票可能要推到明天。The voting went off without any undue irregularities.这次投票顺利进行,未发生任何违规行为。The election was a sham. Officials intimidated peasants into voting for the government candidates, or simply stuffed the ballot boxes.选举是骗人的,当官的威胁农民投政府候选人的票或者只是把选票塞满投票箱而已。People's voting habits are influenced by political, social and economic factors.人们的选举习惯受政治、社会和经济因素的影响。The winner was all smiles as he heard the results of the voting.获胜者听到投票的结果时喜形于色。The constituency is/are voting tomorrow.该选区全体选民将于明天投票。Ministers agreed to phase out the old voting system within two years.各位部长同意在两年之内逐渐废除旧的选举制度。Citizenship is a prerequisite for voting.公民身份是参与投票选举的前提。




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