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词汇 blossoms
例句 Her hair smelled of apple/cherry/orange blossoms.她的头发有苹果/樱桃/橙子花的香味。The first May blossoms are harbingers of doom to the hay fever sufferer.五月初绽的花朵预示着花粉症患者要难熬了。The trees in the orchard cast their blossoms after the storm.暴风雨后果园里树上的花掉落了。In the spring visitors come to see the blossoms at their peak.春天游人来观赏盛开的花。Bitter frosts nipped the blossoms of the fruit trees.严寒将果树的花冻坏了。The air was fragrant with the smell of orange blossoms.空气中弥漫着橘子花的芬芳。The smell of orange blossoms filled the air.空气中弥漫着柑橘的花香。These porcelain showpiece blossoms look so real that you're tempted to smell them.这些瓷器花展品看起来像真的一样,让你禁不住要去闻它们。Day after day, the blossoms continued to arrive.日复一日,鲜花不断送来。The blossoms were abundant, but they failed to set.花开得很盛,但没有结果。There are lots of tender blossoms in the garden.花园里尽是娇嫩的花朵。Diane loved the blossoms and the heady aroma of the wild rose bush.黛安娜喜欢野蔷薇丛的花儿和它醉人的芬芳。The magnolia blossoms fell to the ground and were trampled under foot.玉兰花落在地上,遭人践踏。The bush blossoms all too profusely.这灌木丛鲜花开得极为繁盛。The air was fragrant with the smell of orange blossoms.空气里弥漫着橘子花的香气。The tree produces tiny white blossoms.这棵树开白色的小花。




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