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词汇 visited
例句 We visited an art show this morning.今天上午我们参观了一个画展。We visited the identical place we stopped at last year.我们参观了去年停留过的那个地方。While in New Mexico we visited the ruins of an ancient pueblo.在新墨西哥时,我们参观了印第安人村落的遗迹。Ed told us stories of all the faraway countries he had visited.埃德对我们说起他去过的所有遥远的国家。When I visited my girlfriend's parents I tried to be very polite and put my best foot forward.我去见女朋友的父母时非常礼貌,尽力展现自己最好的一面。During his summer vacation he visited Russia.暑假期间他去俄罗斯了。Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort.丁金斯先生前往死者家吊唁。She confessed her astonishment at her light sentence when her father visited her at the jail.当她父亲到监狱探望她时,她承认对自己得到从轻判决感到很意外。Before departing Colombo, they visited a Buddhist temple.他们在离开科伦坡前参观了一座佛寺。We visited an aquatic city in Italy.我们在义大利访问过一个水上城市。We visited the church where Schubert sang in the choir.我们访问了舒伯特曾在其唱诗班中歌唱的那个教堂。We visited many places of interest on our vacation.我们在假期中参观了许多有意思的地方。The group visited the area during a hunting trip.在一次远足打猎时这个团体来过这一地区。He has not visited the country officially since his election, only in a private capacity.自从当选之后,他还没有以官方身份访问过该国,只进行了私人访问。Pope John Paul received a rapturous reception when he visited East Timor.在访问东帝汶期间,教皇约翰·保罗受到了热烈的欢迎。I visited his rooms in London.我在他伦敦的公寓拜访了他。They have been visited by creatures from outer space.有外星人拜访了他们。Arthur visited his office often enough to obviate standing on ceremony.阿瑟常去他办公室,已经不必拘礼。The Commander in Chief visited the island personally, and took steps toward strengthening the defense facilities and fortification.司令亲自登上该岛,采取措施加强防御设施和工事。I couldn't get my tongue around the names of the villages we'd visited.我说不来我们去过的那个村庄的名字。They've visited several foreign countries.他们已经访问了几个国家。We visited the Kremlin when we traveled to Russia.我们在俄罗斯旅行时参观了克里姆林宫。Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars.奇怪的是,当我们告诉他们曾有火星人来访时,居然没人相信。A plague visited the country.一场瘟疫席卷了这个国家。She visited me last Sunday.她上周日来看过我。Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef.哈利韦尔女士以联合国儿童基金会特别代表的身份访问了菲律宾。The caves can be visited only by prior arrangement.这些洞穴只接受预约参观。We visited the Holy Land.我们参观了圣地。Paul visited her every day when she was in hospital.她住院的时候,保罗每天去看她。It is startling to read that his father never visited him in hospital.读到他父亲从未到医院看望他的事,真叫人吃惊。We were fortunate enough to get a tour from a ranger when we visited Yellowstone National Park.我们游览黄石国家公园时非常幸运,有一位园林管理员带着我们四处观光。Parents visited their evacuee children in the reception areas.家长们到接待区探望了他们被疏散的孩子。We would never have visited the town but for the newspaper article about local artists.要不是读到报纸上介绍当地艺术家的文章,我们才不会游览这个小镇呢。We visited various villages in the area.我们参观了这个地区的很多村子。During our stay in London, we visited Buckingham Palace.我们在伦敦逗留期间参观了白金汉宫。I visited him in Kansas several times.我到堪萨斯州看过他几次。We visited the local markets and saw wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables.我们去了当地的市场,看见了一排排摆放整齐的水果和蔬菜。He had only visited the village once, but remembered it with surprising clarity.他只到过这个村子一次,对它的记忆却清晰得让人吃惊。People who visited the shrine were miraculously cured of their ailments.到过圣地朝圣的那些人身上的小病小痛都奇迹般地治愈了。We visited the birthplace of Lenin in Ulyanovsk.我们参观了列宁的出生地乌里扬诺夫斯克。




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