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词汇 visit
例句 Will you visit me when I'm in hospital?我住院你会来看我吗?I hope we can get in a visit to the art museum the next time we're in the city.我希望下次我们到这个城市时能抽空参观一下艺术博物馆。I can't stand it when your friends come to visit - they're so straight.我不能忍受你朋友的来访—他们太一本正经了。David hardly needed any encouragement to visit the sea, since it still evoked for him the happiest memories.戴维几乎不需要怂恿也会去看海,因为大海至今仍能唤起他最快乐的回忆。A visit would do the peace process a power of good.一次访问能极大地促进和平进程。My neighbor popped in for a visit.我的邻居突然造访。I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit.我希望你遵守诺言来这儿多呆几天。The Foreign Minister is to visit China…外交大臣将要访问中国。He is very keen to visit China.他渴望访问中国。I won't tire you with a long visit. I just wanted to stop in and see how you were doing.我这次拜访时间不会很长,免得让你感到疲劳,我只是想顺路来看看你怎么样了。She comes to visit us every now and then.她时常来看望我们。She went to the prison to visit her husband.她去监狱探望丈夫。He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit.他不会说英语,参观过程中一言未发。Helen comes to visit me as often as she can.海伦有空就来看我。Mr. Green paid me an unexpected visit.格林先生出乎意料地前来看我。We haven't arranged a definite date for our visit yet.我们尚未安排一个确切的访问日期。I paid a visit to my local print shop.我去了我们当地的照片冲洗店。I sorta miss my parents, so it's nice to visit them.我有点想念我的父母了,因此能去看他们感觉真好。He tried to smooth the way for his prime minister's visit here.他设法为他的首相访问此间铺平道路。The prime minister's visit further promoted the cooperation between the two countries.总理的访问进一步促进了两国间的合作。I'd been looking forward to my friend's visit for some time.我盼着朋友来作客已经有一阵子了。When are you coming to visit?你打算什么时候过来造访?I've been toying with the idea of going to Japan to visit them.我最近有个念头,想去日本看看他们。This restaurant is well worth a visit.这家饭店非常值得光顾。He plans to visit Boston and Chicago, but not New York.他计划游览波士顿和芝加哥,但不去纽约。Be sure to visit our Web site.一定要登录我们的网站浏览。Spring is far and away the best time to visit the islands.春天是去这些岛屿旅游最好的季节。More often than not when I make the effort to visit her, I wonder why I even bothered.常常是当我很费劲去探望她的时候,我就纳闷我为什么要找这麻烦。I have a dim memory of your last visit.我依稀记得你的上次来访。Come and visit me whenever you want.你随便什么时候想来就来看我吧。She was trying to behave as if his visit hadn't thrown her off balance.她在极力表现出他的来访并没有让她不知所措的样子。She took them to visit her sedate, elderly cousins.她带他们去拜访她那些不苟言笑的表兄表姐们。In those days, dental equipment was primitive and a visit to the dentist was a painful experience.那时候牙科设备很简陋,看牙医是件痛苦的事。The author gave me a copy of his new novel as a record of my visit.小说作者把一本自己的新作送给我作为我来访的纪念品。Getting visas to visit America seemed to take ages.赴美签证好像要很长时间才能拿到。Michael gave us a map of the city and marked some places of interest to visit.迈克尔给了我们一张市区地图,并标出了可以去参观的一些名胜。Her visit really gave me the lift I needed. 她的探访着实让我精神大振。Two hundred guests attended an evening reception, held in honor of the Chancellor's visit.二百位宾客出席了欢迎总理来访的晚会。This afternoon the Queen will visit Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital.今天下午,女王将视察大奥蒙德街儿童医院。I'm going to declutter before my family comes to visit.我要在亲戚来之前清理一下房子。




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