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The flower of Parisian high society attended the violin recital.巴黎上流社会的精英出席了那次小提琴独奏会。She derives great pleasure/satisfaction from playing the violin.拉小提琴能让她获得极大的乐趣/满足。He tuned his violin before he started playing.演奏前他先将小提琴调音。Learning to play the violin requires strong commitment.学拉小提琴需要极大的恒心。The soloist in the violin concerto was Yehudi Menuhin.这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是耶胡迪‧梅纽因。She plays the violin remarkably well.她的小提琴拉得特别好。He's the first violin at Vienna Philharmonic.他是维也纳爱乐交响乐团的第一小提琴手。The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ.小提琴的音色远比口琴丰富。A cello has a fuller sound than a violin.大提琴的声音比小提琴的要圆浑。You may learn to play the violin in, say, three years.你可以,比如说,在三年内学会拉小提琴。A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin.一名身穿晚礼服的表演者用小提琴演奏了几段古典音乐。It's only half the size of a normal violin.它只有普通小提琴的一半大小。The young girl practices the violin every day.这小女孩每天练习拉小提琴。He plays violin in the school orchestra.他在学校的管弦乐队里演奏小提琴。There was some fine playing in the violin concerto.那首小提琴协奏曲中有一些地方演奏得不错。The viola is exactly in counterpoint to the first violin.中提琴和第一小提琴完全对位。The programme included a lacklustre and flaccid performance of Berg's violin concerto.节目包括一首由伯格演奏的死气沉沉、毫不精彩的小提琴协奏曲。The first violin plays the first two bars of the canon's melody.首席小提琴手演奏了卡农曲旋律的开头两小节。My violin is a Stradivarius.我的小提琴出自大师斯特拉迪瓦里之手。He is playing the violin off key.他拉小提琴走了调。 She could play the violin when she was five.她五岁时便能拉小提琴了。She plays several instruments including the guitar, violin, and piano, to name only a few.她会演奏很多种乐器,仅举几例:吉他、小提琴和钢琴。To prevent the violin body from warping, there is a strong wooden brace along its whole length.为防止小提琴琴身变形,琴身上有一根坚硬的木质支架。There are four strings on a violin.小提琴有四根弦。I am impressed that you can play the violin so well.你小提琴拉得这么好,我很钦佩。Not everybody agreed with the way she interpreted the violin concerto, but it was still a technically perfect performance.并非每人都同意她对那首小提琴协奏曲的诠释,但是她的演奏在技巧上仍是无懈可击。He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin.他会大步走上舞台,然后轻轻地拉他的小提琴,奏出美妙动听的曲调。I play the violin.我拉小提琴。He plays the violin with technical mastery, but little feeling.他拉小提琴的技术十分娴熟,却没什么感情。You can feel the vibration on the violin string.你可以感觉到小提琴琴弦的振动。She loved to play the violin.她喜欢拉小提琴。I didn't know you could play the violin.我不知道你会拉小提琴。He gently touched the bow to the violin's strings.他用琴弓轻触小提琴的琴弦。As a child, he was forced to play the violin against his will. 小时候,他很不情愿地被迫学拉小提琴。Sometimes he gets really frustrated with his violin playing.他有时会对拉小提琴感到十分灰心。He plays the violin very well but can't actually read music.他小提琴拉得很好,但其实他看不懂乐谱。I tuned my guitar/violin.我给自己的吉他/小提琴调了音。She has toiled away at the violin for years.她多年来苦练小提琴。My grandfather treasured that violin until the day he died.祖父一直珍藏着那把小提琴直到去世。Lizzie used to play the violin.莉齐曾经拉过小提琴。 |