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词汇 viewpoint
例句 The group works hard to press the consumer viewpoint.这个团体努力坚持消费者的观点。From an ecological viewpoint, the motorway has been a disaster.从生态角度看,这条公路是个灾难。From a purely commercial viewpoint, the movie was a failure.单纯从商业角度来看,这部电影是失败的。The book looks at the Royal family from a sociological and historical viewpoint.这本书从社会学和历史学的角度研究王室。We have a purchase by which we can move people to our viewpoint.我们有办法让人们同意我们的观点。This has been a very difficult year from an economic viewpoint.从经济角度上说,这是艰难的一年。Her viewpoint is that of a person who has been in politics for decades.她的看法是一个从政数十年的人的看法。He always takes the opposite viewpoint to the rest of the group.他的观点总是同小组其他人的相反。The story is told from the viewpoint of someone who grew up during the Great Depression.故事是从一个成长于大萧条时期的人的视角讲述的。I understand her viewpoint, but do not share it.我理解她的观点,但并不赞同。Try and think of it from the child's viewpoint.尽量以孩子的角度来考虑这件事。From my viewpoint as a consumer the service was excellent.从我作为顾客的角度来看,服务非常好。The viewpoint by the side of the road gave us a stunning panorama of the whole valley.从路边这个位置我们可以看到整个峡谷的壮观景色。He quoted recent test results to support his viewpoint.他引用最近的测试结果来支持自己的观点。Most scientists would probably lean towards this viewpoint.大多数科学家很可能都会倾向于这个观点。From a lay viewpoint the questionnaire is virtually incomprehensible.从外行的角度看,这份问卷调查简直让人无法理解。She disdainfully criticized her opponent's viewpoint.她不屑地批判了对手的观点。From the viewpoint of teachers, there has been a great increase in work.从教师的角度来看,工作量有大幅度增加。This is entirely wrong from my viewpoint.在我看来,此事全错了。He had an attractive singularity of viewpoint.他的观点新奇有趣。You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。The consumer's viewpoint should be factored into decision making.消费者的看法应作为决策因素计入。Fischer holds a similar viewpoint.费希尔持相似观点。Seen from the student's viewpoint, the exam can be frightening.从学生的角度来看,考试可能有点儿恐怖。Most scientists would probably lean toward this viewpoint.大多数科学家可能会倾向于这个观点。




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