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词汇 to travel
例句 She declined to travel at the expense of her company and paid for the trip herself.她谢绝由公司出钱供她旅行,而是自己付了旅费。You're not allowed to travel on a plane until you get the all clear from the doctor.只有得到医生的许可你才能坐飞机。We can extend our insurance cover to travel abroad.我们可以把保险服务的范围扩大到国外旅游。It would be tempting fate to travel without a spare wheel.不带备用车胎出去旅行是在冒险。It's unfortunate that you have to travel so far to work.很不幸你要走这么远的路去上班。Did you have to travel far to get here?你到这儿得走很远的路吗?He has had to travel the country in search of work.他不得不走遍全国寻找工作。He decided to travel against the advice of a medical practitioner.他决定不顾医师的忠告去旅行。Young backpackers set the trend, and now people of all ages are looking for cheap ways to travel around Southeast Asia.年轻的背包旅行者开创了新风尚,现在各种年龄的人都在寻找便宜的途径去东南亚地区旅行。In the olden days people used to travel by horse.从前人们骑马旅行。Bob's hoping to travel to Africa next year.鲍勃希望明年去非洲旅行。He likes to travel by himself.他喜欢独自旅行。Consult your doctor about your fitness to travel.问问医生你是否适合旅行。It was murder to travel on the overcrowded trains.乘坐超载拥挤的火车旅行真是活受罪。He wished to travel and thereby study the customs of other countries.他希望去旅游借此研究其他国家的民俗风情。I always go by boat - it's the only way to travel comfortably.我总是乘船去,这是舒舒服服地旅行的唯一方法。Flying is the quickest way to travel.乘坐飞机是最快的旅行方式。Having to travel such a long way to work is a definite minus.上班的路程这么远无疑是一个不利之处。Hotel inspectors have to travel incognito.酒店检查员巡查时要使用化名。The police are advising motorists to travel only if their journey is absolutely necessary.警方建议汽车驾驶员只在不得已的情况下才驾车出行。James interrupted his studies to travel around Europe for a year.詹姆斯暂时停止了学业,在欧洲游历一年。Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.戴夫辞掉一份高薪的工作去周游世界,这令他的朋友大为吃惊。He got wind of my plan to travel north and asked if he could come with me.他听说我要去北方旅行,问我能否一道同行。You should take the chance to travel while you are still young.趁还年轻,你应当抓紧机会旅游。Whose stupid idea was it to travel at night?晚上赶路是谁的馊主意?I have always yearned to travel.我总是向往去旅游。We were allowed to travel around the country without hindrance.我们获准畅行全国。They like to travel, but they're conformists who go to only the most popular destinations.他们喜欢旅行,但总是随大流,只去那些最热门的旅游地。She had a yearning to travel. 她渴望去旅行。This is difficult terrain to travel across.这里是不易通过的地带。They are taking advantage of an opportunity to travel.他们正好趁机旅游一下。I prefer to travel light. 我喜欢轻装旅行。They plan to travel overland to China.他们计划经陆路去中国。She has to travel a great deal in the prosecution of her duties.她在履行职责中得作许多旅行。Before I start working again full steam, I want to travel.在再次全力开始工作之前我想去旅行。Successful applicants will be expected to travel extensively.录用者需要经常出差。In my line of work I often have to travel.身在这个行业,我不得不经常出差。You have a golden opportunity to travel and learn.你有一个旅游和学习的绝好机会。Doctors are reserving judgment on his ability to travel until later in the week.直到本周晚些时候医生们才会对他能否出行表态。She may well not want to travel alone.她很有可能不想单独旅行。




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